country –(string) the locale of the store. Accepted values are CA, CN, FR, DE, IT, JP, UK, ES, US, IN, BR, MX, AU, TR, AE, SG, SE, and NL. associate_id –(string) the Amazon Associates ID for the affiliate. count –(integer) determines how many items should be displayed...
Amazon will delete all Associates Personal Data processed by Amazon as a processor from Amazon’s systems, unless Applicable Law requires Amazon to store copies of Associates Personal Data. Amazon will comply with your
You will not engage in any promotional, marketing, or other advertising activities on behalf of us or our affiliates, or in connection with an Amazon Site or the Associates Program (“Promotional Activities”), that are not expressly permitted under theAgreement. You will not engage in any Prom...
E-commerce’s rise to dominance has resulted in enforcement of patent, copyright, and trademark rights against sellers on different storefront platforms like and To enforce these rights effectively and remove infringing content, an infringement analysis should be performed to ...
(i) You will not request, collect, obtain, store, cache, or otherwise use any account information used by our customers in connection with any Amazon Site (including any usernames or passwords of Amazon Site customers). (j) You will not modify, redirect, suppress, or substitute the operatio...