. After adjusting for lipid-lowering medicines within each cohort and ancestry, we generated residuals within each cohort and race group adjusted for age, age2, sex, 11 principal components of ancestry, and cohort-specific covariates. These residuals were inverse rank normalized and multiplied by th...
Department of Biochemistry, Vanderbilt University, School of Medicine, Nashville, 37232, TN, USA Tadashi INAGAMI Corresponding author Correspondence to Deng Fu GUO. Rights and permissions Reprints and permissions About this article Cite this article GUO, D., SUN, Y., HAMET, P. et al. The angi...
Hussman Institute for Human Genomics (HIHG) at the University of Miami, Miller School of Medicine (Miami, FL), the University of South Carolina (Columbia, SC), and the Center for Human Genetics Research at Vanderbilt University (Nashville, TN). All participants were ascertained using protocols...
Department of Pathology, Microbiology and Immunology, Vanderbilt University School of Medicine, Nashville, TN, 37232, USA Guan Yang, Wenqiang Song, J. Luke Postoak, Lan Wu & Luc Van Kaer Genomic Medicine Institute, Lerner Research Institute, Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, OH, 44195, USA Jielin Xu...
Our study has several notable strengths and limitations. The ascertainment scheme for this sample is optimal for detection of association with both risk and protective variants for AD [26]. Specifically, the AD cases were selected to have relatively early onset (with a minimum age of 65) and ...
Division of Epidemiology, Department of Medicine, Vanderbilt University School of Medicine, Nashville, TN, USA Wanqing Wen, Xiao-Ou Shu & Wei Zheng SKLORG and Department of Epidemiology, Shanghai Cancer Institute, Renji Hospital, Shanghai Jiaotong University School of Medicine, Shanghai, China Yong...