With the implementation of safety management, some employerswillassociate it withadministrative fees and costs, becoming resistant against it. legco.gov.hk legco.gov.hk 有些僱主一旦談到推行安全管理,便會聯想到行政費用及成本等問 題,從而產生抗拒。
associated with a particular product and where there is a particular characteristic of the productassociated with the name. paiz.gov.pl paiz.gov.pl 保护的区域 是相关地区的名字:与一项产品相关的地区 的名字,以及与产品的某项特征相关的地区的名字。
The Sector for External Relations and Cooperation has continued its efforts to strengthen UNESCO’s relations with its Member States,AssociateMembers, observers and territories; to improve coordination with the United Nations, its specialized agencies, programmes, funds and organs, and with other internat...
43. The expression analysis was successful in 743 of the 871 samples with a miRNA expression profile. Sontea-twisatyicAaNl OanVaAlyfosrisn.o rmMailclyrodRisNtrAibeuxtepdremssiiRonNsAws)e.rIencoormdperarteodtaokveeracincoduivnidt uofaltshwe imthuNltiLp,leFtLeMstainngdBFoLnCf(eurrsoinngi ...
“Dear Anxiety, I know you’ve been with me for a long time.” Step 2: Express gratitude: “Thank you for trying to keep me safe, even if your methods feel overwhelming.” Step 3: Set boundaries: “I no longer need you to control me. I release you with love and trust.” ...
1 Original Papers 1 Influence of BDNF Variants on Diagnosis and Response to Treatment in Patients with Major Depression, Bipolar Disorder and Schizophrenia Pae, C.-U. (Durham, N.C./Bucheon); Chiesa, A.; Porcelli, S. (Bologna); Han, C. (Ansan); Patkar, A.A. (Durham, N.C.); Lee...
J. Phycology, 35, 510-519 Durnford DG, JA Deane, S Tan , GI McFadden, E. Gantt, BR Green (1999) A phylogenetic assessment of the eukaryotic light-harvesting antenna proteins, with implications for plastid evolution. J. Mol. Evol. 48 (1): 59-68. Durnford DG, O. Prasil, JM Escoub...
In VPT infants, sufficient carnitine intake during hospitalization is necessary since it is associated with better postnatal growth and larger brain size at term age. Keywords: carnitine; acylcarnitine; preterm; postnatal growth; brain size; pediatric nutrition Received: 13 October 2022 Accepted: 6 ...
When I start a project I do so with the intention of my new business being here in 5-10 years’ time. When you use black hat methods, it’s only a matter of time before you get caught. Algorithms are getting smarter, and the ways to exploit them are becoming harder and harder. It...
interview victims and relevant authorities with respect totheoperationsinGaza codenamed by Israel “Operation Cast Lead”. daccess-ods.un.org daccess-ods.un.org 另外,常驻代表还转告委员会,以色列政府不接受委员会的如下要 求,即允许它进入以色列,与政府官员和加沙火箭弹袭击的受害者进行交谈,并 ...