Kathy Lui 吕爱兰 Associate Professor 副教授 kathyolui@cuhk.edu.hk Biography Dr. Kathy Lui received her Bachelor of Science and Master of Philosophy degrees from the Department of Biochemistry, The Chinese University of Hong Kong. With support from the full scholarship, Dorothy Hodgkin Postgraduate ...
We also thank Professor Clara Camaschella, Professor Federico Caligaris-Cappio and the MDs of the Medicine Dept. of the San Raffaele Hospital for help with clinical data collection. The study was supported by funds from Fondazione Compagnia di San Paolo-Torino, Fondazione Cariplo-Milano, Italian ...
doi:10.1016/s0735-1097(19)32097-2Hongyang PiFredrika FrjdhEric OlaussonAatif SayeedMaren MaanjaLouise NiklassonTimothy C. WongMartin UganderHui XuePeter KellmanElsevier BVJournal of the American College of Cardiology
Kernel Association (SKAT) and Weighted Sum Tests (WST) restricted to variants with MAF<1% in a total of 15,260 genes (Pvalue for significance ≤2 × 10−6, based on number of gene tests performed). T2D case/control analyses included 16,491 individuals with T2D and 81,877 controls from...
Peter KellmanDavid S SchwartzmanSuresh R MulukutlaMarc A SimonSanjeev G ShroffLewis H KullerEuropean Heart Journal: The Journal of the European Society of CardiologyWong TC, Piehler KM, Kang IA, Kadakkal A, Kellman P, Schwartzman DS, Mulukutla SR, Simon MA, Shroff SG, Kuller LH, Schelbert...
Fasting glucose and insulin are intermediate traits for type 2 diabetes. Here we explore the role of coding variation on these traits by analysis of variants on the HumanExome BeadChip in 60,564 non-diabetic individuals and in 16,491 T2D cases and 81,877 controls. We identify a novel assoc...