"aip advances associate editor decision started"这句话的意思可能是某个期刊(比如AIP Advances)的副主编(Associate Editor)开始做出决定。 AIP Advances是一个科学期刊,由美国物理研究所(American Institute of Physics)出版。它发表与物理学相关的综述文章和快报,包括但不限于凝聚态物理、生物物理、光学物理等。 Asso...
待解决 悬赏分:1 - 离问题结束还有 Associate Editor Decision Started问题补充:匿名 2013-05-23 12:21:38 副主编决策入门 匿名 2013-05-23 12:23:18 决定启动关联编辑器 匿名 2013-05-23 12:24:58 开始的副编辑决定 匿名 2013-05-23 12:26:38 副主编决定开始 匿名 2013-05-23 12:28:...
Associate Editor Decision Started 编辑在做决定,可能不容易决定 8710252 楼主结果如何,我觉得等的越久越容易跪。 xh_mp 4楼: Originally posted by 8710252 at 2014-03-20 20:13:10 楼主结果如何,我觉得等的越久越容易跪。 最后接收了 8710252 5楼: Originally posted by xh_mp at 2014-03-21 10:29:...
awaiting editor decision与awaiting associate editor decision一... associate editor 副主编editor 编辑 , 两者不一样。 associate additonal file types with xmind是什么意思 associate additonal file types with ICCIA 2021大修with editor之后变成decision in process一周了,是要悲剧了嘛? 如果第一轮审稿人的意...
刚收到结果,accepted after revised 期刊Review of scientific instruments 很高兴啊 [Last edited by ...
文章完成出版前的准备)20-Sep-2019 20:34:22 Decision Sent to Author(给作者发审稿结果)20-Sep-2019 20:34:22 Decision Letter Being Prepared(起草审稿结果)20-Sep-2019 17:37:50 Associate Editor Decision Completed(责任编辑完成审稿结果)20-Sep-2019 17:37:50 Associate Editor Decision Started(...
associate editor是什么意思 associate editor生词本英 [əˈsəuʃieit ˈeditə] 美 [əˈsoʊʃiˌeɪt ˈɛdɪtɚ]副编辑网 络副主编;副编辑;助理编辑;学术刊物副主编1...
An Associate Editor is a pivotal role within the editorial hierarchy, often serving as the linchpin between the content and its final publication. Tasked with a blend of creative and administrative responsibilities, they work closely with editors-in-chief to shape the voice and direction of a publ...
responsibilities such as strategic content planning and mentoring junior staff. At the highest level, Associate Editors often play a significant role in editorial decision-making and the overall content strategy of the publication. Below, we'll explore how the Associate Editor role evolves at each ...