An Associate Degree Online Affordable You save a lot of money when you don’t have to travel to and from campus. And with gas prices they way they are, this adds up to a significant amount! Flexible When you’re a part of a distance-learning program you can attend class when its conv...
Course delivery methods: Online4. University of Northwestern Ohio Lima, Ohio About the program: UNOH's online business administration associate degree requires 108 credits. The program prepares graduates for entry-level positions in business with classes in economics, international business, management, ...
Graduates who earn an associate in business management online have a well-rounded understanding of day-to-day business operations. Although a bachelor's degree is considered the minimum educational level for most jobs in business, finance and management, those with an associate degree often qualify ...
a generalized degree), Science, Fine Arts, Business Administration and Applied Science are just a few. Transferring an online associate degree is easy, as long as the school the degree came from is reputable, and recognized by the transferring school. ...
to another place, such as a university. Some community colleges even offer 2+2 degree programs, which are established transfer degrees programs with other schools. Transfer degree programs may be available in areas such as accounting, business, criminal justice, general studies, history and ...
Degrees in the larger field of business may be some of the most sought-after, but when it comes to general business programs like business administration, they’re also some of the easiest. The broad focus of a general business degree program makes this degree similar to a liberal arts degre...
Seward County Community College offers 45 associate’s degree programs, five of which are online. These include biology, chemistry, and business administration. Most online classes are flexible and they usually don’t require on-campus lectures. ...
This business administration associate degreeguide explores online and traditional programs, course requirements, and hands-on learning opportunities and internships. It also goes over important soft and hard skills for business leaders seeking career advancement. ...
If you're interested in the Associate of Arts, we offer concentrations inthe Arts,Business,Psychology,Economics, and our new concentration,Sociology, and much more. In the video below, AC student Mana Khalesi shares howworking on campus during her associate degreeprogram has created a deeper level...
Get an answer to the question “What is an associate’s degree?”– including information on entry requirements and career prospects.