Finally, the main gaps regarding HF therapies in the elderly and the opportunities for future trials are highlighted. Various aging heart diseases related to heart valves and their effects have been discussed. Heart sound diagnosis devices such as acoustic and digital stethoscope functions and their ...
Assistive Devices for Elderly People At first, Piyushi Dhir, who lives with her parents and grandparents in Ontario, Canada, noticed that her grandfather took longer to get off the couch. Over time, he would need a hand. Dhir worried about him falling. She bought him a portable standing ...
“GG Care's technology can reduce the time expended by informal carers and lower the cost from an insurer's perspective while containing dementia's societal costs.” Bernhard Michalowsky Post-doctoral researcher at the German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases (DZNE) ...
In this blog post, RAZ Mobility identifies and reviews some of the best cell phones for the elderly. We examine the phones based on three criteria: (1) ease of use, (2) loudness of the audio, and (3) clarity and contrast of the text for individuals with vision loss. All three of ...
During a recent expo, Chinese participants showed their commitment to developing and popularizing high-tech assistive devices to improve the quality of life for the elderly and the disabled so they can benefit from technological advancement and live with dignity and happiness. ...
The types of medical assistive technology necessary will vary based on the individual's needs and the requirements of a particular setting.Adaptive technologycan be bought off-the-shelf or customized or modified for an individual. Some examples of adaptive equipment include: ...
Global elderly and disabled assistive devices market growth is driven by growing aging population as these people require mobility aids, hearing aids and other medical assistance devices. Growing demographic of elderly people of more than 65 years can boost the need for assistive technology to support...
It is generally accepted that genuine knowledge of user needs is essential for the creation of any new technology. For assistive robots, however, this knowledge is even more important for two key reasons. First, because the form and function of these technologies is still in the process of ...
The implementation of supportive government initiatives to improve the quality of life for the elderly people in Japan is expected to majorly influence sales of assistive technologies for the visually impaired over the next ten years. Which European Countries Should Product Suppliers Invest In? “Russia...
As a technological rehabilitation products and services provider, Global Assistive Devices has been plowing into the rehabilitation medical industry for many years, and was wholly acquired by 3D printing leader SANDY Technology in 2013, and began to comprehensively layout the application of 3D printing ...