Assistive technology has two parts: devices (the actual tools people use) and services (the support to choose and use the tools). Students who struggle with learning can use AT to help with subjects like reading, writing, and math. AT can also help kids and adults with the tasks of daily...
Barriers to access must be overcome and specialized equipment for library users with special needs must be included in campus equipment upgrade plans and other across the board technology purchases. Suggestions for assistive technologies are recommended from examples at Cabrillo College, Aptos, California...
Assistive Technology at Cabrillo College Library.Reports on the efforts at Cabrillo College, a California Community Colleges member, to ensure a disabled library user's access to the assistive and enabling devices. Mission statement for the Robert E. Swenson Library at Cabrillo College; Collaboration ...
This pilot project utilized a mixed-methodology approach to investigating assistive technology (AT) with students enrolled in a college program for students with intellectual disabilities. Its purpose was the provision of AT-based software, training, and support to examine changes related to academic le...
This study evaluated the impact of sustainable assistive technology (SAT) on the employment opportunities (EOs) of university graduates with disabilities (GwDs) in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) and examined whether government support (GS) acts as a mediating factor on said impact. A sample ...
Editors' Picks Related Articles What Are the Different Types of Assistive Technology for the Disabled? What Are the Different Types of Assistive Technology for the Blind? What is Assistive Software? What does an Assisted Living Administrator do?
with some figures claiming up to 40 million individuals affected. While walking canes and seeing-eye dogs can be a huge help, [Anirudh] of Multimodal Interactions Group, HP Labs India, and some students at the College of Engineering in Pune, India (COEP) have been hard at work constructing...
The Tufts Center for Engineering Education and Outreach (CEEO) in Boston, Massachusetts, is dedicated to improving engineering education in the classroom, from Kindergarten to college. The Center houses faculty, staff, and graduate students from engineering disciplines and the education department. ...
•Exploreassistivetechnologyforindividualswithdisabilities.•Individualswithdisabilitiescanattendcollegeandwork.•Individualswithdisabilitieshaveskills,talent,andknowledge.•Retainemployeesafterinjuries.IntroductionVideo:ADayintheLifeofRichard DisabilitiesCanInclude…•CognitiveImpairments –learningdisabilities,traumatic...
On October 25, 2004, President Bush signed into law the reauthorization of the Assistive Technology Act (AT Act). The new law provides a far more optimistic future for assistive technology (AT) and modifies the primary purpose of the previous law. The new AT Act provides "birth to death" ...