As therapy demand is expected to increase in future, an important role emerges for technology that will allow patients to perform training with minimal therapist time consumption [12–14]. With such technology patients can train much more often, which leads to better results and faster progress in...
The functional view sees smart homes as a way of better managing the demands of daily living through technology. The instrumental vision reinforces the potential of smart houses in contributing to the improvement of household energy efficiency, as well as their contribution towards reducing carbon ...
In Bio-Geo Interactions in Metal-Contaminated Soils; Kothe, E., Varma, A., Eds.; Springer: Berlin/Heidelberg, Germany, 2012; Volume 31, pp. 279–296. 111. Broadhurst, C.L.; Chaney, R.L. Growth and metal accumulation of an alyssum murale nickel hyperaccumulator ecotype co-cropped with...
The influence factors, needle deflection or planning remain open for investigation in future. Keywords: needle insertion; force modeling; force measurement; parameter identification; force control 1. Introduction 1.1. Background Needle insertion is commonly used in modern surgery, especially in the field...
2.2. Equipment • Vortex mixer Vortex-genie 2 (Scientific Industries, NY, USA); • Ultrasound bath Sonorex TK-30 (BANDELIN electronic GmbH & Co. KG, Berlin, Germany); • Benchtop incubator shaker Innova 40 (Eppendorf, obtained from Helicon, Moscow, Russia); • Tabletop centrifuge (...