Top Cities in Ohio with Assisted LivingCincinnati | Columbus | Dayton | Canton | Dublin | Springfield | Youngstown | Findlay | Lancaster | Cleveland | Westlake | Mansfield | MedinaMonthly costs in neighboring states$3,074 IN $3,455 KY $3,542 MI $3,707 OH $3,816 USA $3,918 ...
We're a management network of compassionate senior living communities across the Northeast, offering memory care, independent living, and assisted living services. Find a location near you and explore our personalized approach to meeting the unique needs
The St. Luke Lutheran Community reputation reflects quality care for seniors through rehabilitation, assisted living, skilled nursing, and independent living apartments. We provide faith-based services to enrich lives of older adults in North Canton, Akr
OH $3,816 USA $3,918 PA $4,910 NY $5,096 MD $5,107 NJ $5,527 DE All cities offering Assisted Living Assisted Living Rules and Regulations in Pennsylvania Many families can feel overwhelmed at the thought of finding quality care for aging loved ones. To help consumers find care, many...