Assistant Prosecuting Attorney Assistant Provident Fund Commissioner Assistant Provincial Grand Master Assistant Provost Marshal Assistant Public Affairs Officer Assistant Public Information Officer Assistant Quality Assurance Evaluator Assistant Quartermaster Assistant Quartermaster Sergeant ▼Complete...
The district attorney (DA) is the chief law enforcement officer of a state or county. Depending on the population of the jurisdiction, the district attorney's office also employs any number of assistant district attorneys (ADAs). As an ADA, you'll interview victims and witnesses and evaluate ...
Bill explained that despite the famous cast of characters in the film, the budget largess didn’t extent to the film’s design. As is usual with large productions that feature a lot of well-known actors, the above-the-line talent eats up most of the budget. And what you are left with...
assignee, agent, employee, contractor, attorney, or insurer, and to Settlement Class Counsel, on behalf of themselves and any person or entity claiming by or through them as an heir, administrator, devisee, predecessor, successor, parent, subsidiary, representative of any kind, shareholder, partne...
AA Ace Attorney (video game) AA Aggravated Assault AA Anaheim Angels (major league baseball team) AA Asset Allocation AA Alopecia Areata AA Anne Arundel (Maryland county) AA Air Ambulance AA Allergic Asthma AA Air Assault AA Acetic Acid AA Aplastic Anemia AA Alzheimer's Association AA American ...
we strive to deliver results that are expected by our clients. We are seeking a dedicated Associate Attorney to join our legal team in the Atlanta metro area for our General Liability practice group. This team is rapidly growing with a strong, growing book of business, and this is an excell...
Attorney, Agent or Firm: Thomas, Kayden, Horstemeyer & Risley, LLP Claims: The invention claimed is: 1. An electronic financial assistant system, comprising: a handheld device adapted to capture information from a financial record, the handheld device comprising a scanner for scanning a paper ...
As an Attorney my focus is always on the best way to represent my clients first and paperwork second. Thanks to Sharon, I never worry about anything. She “virtually” manages my business, my office as well as my life! There are no words to describe her office administration skills or ...
28-65 was enacted by t h e Attorney General of Guam. The Power of Eminent Domain w a s exercised by the AG condemning parcels of land in Tamuning for t h e purpose of constructing a public sewer and water utility lines. (See Attachment A, Notice of Lis Pendens to CA No. 28-65,...
(including, but not limited to, reasonable attorney and expert fees, costs, penalties, interest and disbursements) resulting from any claim (including third-party claims), suit, action, or proceeding against any of the Indemnified Parties, whether successful or not, resulting from or arising in ...