首先,助教并不是助理教授。在美国大学体系里,助理教授的英文为Assistant Professor。它的职位等级介于普通讲师(Lecturer)和副教授(Associate Professor)之间。而助教(Teaching Assistant),则是教授的助理,即辅助教授们完成授课的人。根据美国教育部年度劳动力调查显示,目前美国高...
Learn the correct usage of "she is an assistant professor" and "she is a assistant professor" in English. Discover differences, examples, alternatives and tips for choosing the right phrase.
以争取晋升至终身教授(tenured professor)职务。这个阶段在学术生涯中既充满机会,也伴随着压力和不确定...
后来,C老师入职ttap岗位,L老师也入职了clinical professor的岗位,也算圆满。我听了这个故事之后觉得自...
the titles of Professor or Assistant Professor, meaning that they lose the protection of substantive appointment. legco.gov.hk 現時有些講師改變了名 銜,變為沒有教授(Professor)、Assistant Professor名銜的職員或教師, 他們失去了實任的保障。 legco.gov.hk Dr. LEE So-lun, Honorary Clinical Assistant...
Technically I'm a graduate assistant, but the professor just treats me as his slave. lab assistantnabbr(laboratory assistant)(laboratoryassistant的缩写形式)SCSimplified Chinese实验室助理shí yàn shì zhù lǐ I once worked as a lab assistant in the university biochemistry department. ...
Academic Website of Khalil Andani, PhD, Assistant Professor of Religion, featuring publications and other academic writings
Embedded communication and collaboration opportunities for student-professor and student-student interactions Access to academic advisors Placement support to help secure local options for completing clinical rotation requirements Tech support services to prevent and solve software and hardware issuesWhile...
Walter L. Larimore, MD, Clinical Instructor, IHI Medical Family Residency;Assistant ProfessorDepartment of Family Medicine, University of Colorado Health Services Center, Denver, CO Juan S. Lebron, Graduate Student, Department of Physics, University ofPuerto Rico, RioPiedras, Puerto Rico ...
再说两句academia vs industry。这是个学术自由和钱之间的取舍。每个人的priorities和取舍是不一样的。我们行业PhD刚毕业去业界最多只会有5%的时间可以做自己的projects,而5%对我来说是不可接受的。另一方面,对我来说一个faculty position如果不能保证我有至少40-50%的时间做我想做的research(这取决于position是hard...