assistant professor n. A college or university teacher who ranks above an instructor and below an associate professor. American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publish...
Not only is it a potent vasodilator but also has several endocrine effects. Knowing in detail the various bioactions of these EAPs, may provide us with useful information regarding their utility as therapeutic agents.Dr Veenu Madaan Hans
Explore the latest Assistant Professor job opportunities in Pakistan. Explore our website for the latest assistant professor job listings. Your next career opportunity is just a click away!
The Department of Ecology & Evolutionary Biology at Tulane University invites applications for atenure-track faculty position at the Assistant Professor level with a research focus on disease ecology and evolution using genomic, experimental and/or modelling approaches.Our department has concentrations in ...
Adjunct Professor Duties usually include the teaching and advising of students but do not include service on departmental committees. Adjunct意味着主要雇佣关系不在大学,意味着是所在领域的专家,以兼职或非长期的方式服务于学校教学。 At the Medical Campus, standard professorial titles are given to faculty ...
The writer is an assistant professor at the NTU'S School of Communication Studies. 作者是南洋理工大学传播学院助理教授。 权威例句 Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor of French, Murray State University Assistant Professor of Computer Science, Maryville College ...
Biological Sciences: Assistant Professor (tenure-track) in Biological Sciences to teach general biology, courses in organismal biology or diversity, and/or area of expertise at the Hamilton Campus, maintain an active research program and seek extramural funding, advise students, and provide service to...
TheCollege of Public Healthat Taipei Medical University invite applications for Assistant, Associate, or Full Professor position in thePh. D. Program in Global Health and Health Security Contract type:Full-time Job description Taipei Medical...
The College of Medicine at Taipei Medical University invites applications for Assistant, Associate, or Full Professor position in Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Cell Biology, School of Medicine. Contract type: Full-time Job Description Taipei Medical Univers...
Chinese academy of science ,assistant professor, major research in plasma physics. 应模拟实验室负责人,硕士生导师.主要研究方向空间等离子体物理. 期刊摘选 Dawn DeMeo anassistant professorat Harvard Medical School in Boston, Massachusetts. 哈佛大学医学院位于马萨诸塞州波士顿市, DawnDeMeo在此担任助教授. ...