Assistant Professor, CRPM job vacancy at The National Institute for the Mentally HandicappedAssistant Professor
Deadline 19 Apr ’18Published on 3 Apr ’18Vacancy ID EWI2018-18 Job types Research, development, innovation; Education; Professor; Associate professor; Assistant professor; Lecturer Education level Doctorate Weekly hours 32—40 hours per week Salary indication €3475—€5861 per month Location Mek...
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South China Normal University has a vacancy for a Research Assistant in the field of responsive ...
Professor Posts. The eligible candidates can apply for the post through Online from 07 June 2021 to 16 July 2021. Those candidates who are interested in the following vacancy can read the full notification before applying online ...
Total Vacancy:120 Brief Information:Mishra Dhatu Nigam (MIDHANI) has given an employment notification for the recruitment of ITI Trade Apprentice Trainees Vacancy. Those Candidates who are interested in the vacancy details & completed all eligibility criteria can read the Notification & Apply Online. ...
(Pseudodiaptomus annandalei, Dioithona rigida & Nitokra affinis) Through Selective and Induced Breeding Using Recirculating Aquaculture System (RAS): A Way Forward Towards The Culture Supply and Technology Dissemination” under the supervision of Dr. P. Santhanam, Associate Professor, Depar...
Interested and eligible candidates can attend the walk-in-Interview on 23rd May, 2017. CLRI Recruitment 2017 – 18 vacancy details: CLRI Walk-in Interview details: Candidates fulfilling the above mentioned qualification, age etc. may attend the Walk-in Interview scheduled onTuesday, the 23rd May...
entally Handicapped Assistant Professor, Medical job vacancy at The National Institute for the Mentally HandicappedAssistant Professor, Medical job vacancy at The National Institute for the Mentally HandicappedAssistant Professor
Vacancy Announcement Assistant Professor of Economics, AY, Tenure-track Location: Department of Agricultural Economics and EconPh.D. in Economics