Football Championship SubdivisionDon Dobes, Dartmouth: Dobes has been a college coach for 45 years with the last 15 at Dartmouth … He has been a part of five Ivy League titles at Dartmouth and 11 total including his time at Princeton and Penn … Dobes is an active member of the AFCA ...
Rick Bullock
Twitter Google Share on Facebook assistant (redirected fromsecond assistant) Thesaurus Medical Encyclopedia as·sis·tant (ə-sĭs′tənt) n. One that assists; a helper. adj. 1.Holding an auxiliary position; subordinate. 2.Giving aid; auxiliary. ...
Twitter Google Share on Facebook secretary (redirected fromAdmin assistant) Thesaurus Medical Legal Encyclopedia sec·re·tar·y (sĕk′rĭ-tĕr′ē)·re·tar·ies 1.A person employed to handle correspondence, keep files, and do clerical work for another person or an organization...