AHELP provides qualified borrowers with down payment assistance that may come in the form of a grant, a second mortgage with deferred payments, a forgivable loan, or a combination of these options. The funds come through Alaska Housing’s network of local and federal government agencies, ...
Perhaps the scariest thing about being short on cash is the danger of being unable to pay your rent or mortgage. If you can’t pay your phone bill or your gas bill, at worst, you could have your service cut off. But failing topay your rentcould put you out on the street. If you...
TOPEKA — Kansas lawmakers have continued to pass on a federal policy that could make more people eligible for food assistance programs. Now, the state is one of the last in the country that has not yet adopted it. The policy has to do with how much value people...
The travel assistance meant I did not have to worry about paying my electric bill when I returned and used the money for gas. It meant we could watch my daughter experience one of the best moments of her life! We are so very proud of her! Thank you so much for helping us get to ...
I’m in Texas and the mailman delivered my reliacard to the wrong address. Now I’m homeless and they say I need an address to have one sent to and a utility bill to prove my address…. hello??? I don’t have an address ...
A high proportion of U.S. assistance has gone toward economic infrastructure, especially roads, electric power, and water and sanitation facilities. To facilitate coordination between U.S. agencies working in these sectors—predominately USAID and DOD—the Embassy established an Infrastructure Working ...
in southeast Texas with 14 being reported in one day. Nine more ravaged Houston on day two. In all, 3,000 homes were damaged or destroyed, 21 people were killed, thousands were injured, and, at the time, Hurricane Alicia set a record in Texas for the $7.7 billion in damages it ...
I’m in Texas but google Liheap and either your city, state, or zip code..or county. Also check with community action agencies, 211.org which is the united way, you can visit lowincomerelief.com, and my good friend Nicole runs an awesome benefit locator for your area ju...
Entergy is a global energy company founded in 1913 and headquartered at New Orleans, Louisiana. The company engages in power distribution, production and related services. Employing more than 13,000, Entergy currently operates power plants with approximately 30,000 megawatts of electric generating capac...
Provided the Defense Department with the authority to transfer up to $2.5 billion among defense accounts without advance congressional approval rather than $5 billion as requested by the Administration. The bill also, however, provided authority for DOD to transfer an additional $5 billion subject to...