Some vehemently oppose Trade Adjustment Assistance, and see it as a way for supporters of free trade to win over those destined to lose out when their jobs are shipped overseas. Similarly, some opponents of liberalized trade call trade adjustment assistance “burial insurance” for dead jobs that...
"We feel there is urgent need for government to introduced the COVID-19 Funeral Assistance Act in order to provide burial costs for COVID-19 deaths," said Teedzai. The bill must be formulated in such a manner as to require government to give the families of the deceased say, US$2 000...
Cancer Financial Assistance Coalition:The CFAC connects people with national and local organizations that provide help with medical expenses, prescription medications, transportation costs, housing and lodging during treatment, childcare, and other practical needs. CancerCare Co-Payment Assistance Foundation:Th...
Transport of mortal remainsCovers the expenses incurred by transferring the body to the place of burial or cremationorfrom the place of burial or cremation to the funeral operator’s premises.Covers the expenses incurred by transferring the body to the place of burial or cremationorfrom the place...
knowledgeable about the restrictions and options in your area. Most people are very understanding when it comes to the financial hardship of properly sending a loved one off. If you have insufficient money or are struggling to find ways to cover the costs of the burial, talk with someone who...
Tip:If you're planning a virtual funeral with a service likeGatheringUs, you may still be able to put Medicaid funeral benefits to use. Whether the funeral is in-person or virtual, many of the points below still apply, especially with regard to burial and cremation. ...
Changes that might strengthen payment accuracy and punishments against fraud can be in tension with other policy objectives such as preserving recipient access to the program, and may have unintended consequences such as incurring costs greater than their savings. Balancing program objectives such as the...
Transport of mortal remainsCovers the expenses incurred by transferring the body to the place of burial or cremationorfrom the place of burial or cremation to the funeral operator’s premises.Covers the expenses incurred by transferring the body to the place of burial or cremationorfrom the place...