We deliver high quality non-medical-in-home assistance for seniors, disabled and/or ill individuals that helps them to remain independent in their homes. We are committed to enhancing the quality of life of our clients. R.G.U.S. Inc. is a CCP Certified Provider agency. ...
Self Storage Units for Seniors Seniors who need storage are going to have different requirements than a college student looking to store their stuff for the summer. This stage of adulthood often comes with a lot of accumulated furniture, heirlooms, and hand-me-downs. You’ll likely need more...
Check-In Service Program Computer generated phone calls are made to check in on seniors directly from family members computers. This check-in service can be used for loved ones who find it difficult to maintain consistent contact or who are concerned about elderly loves ones safety for added sec...
Peter Christiansen writes about telecom policy, communications infrastructure, satellite internet, and rural connectivity for HighSpeedInternet.com. Peter holds a PhD in communication from the University of Utah and has been working in tech for over 15 years as a computer programmer, game...
For more information see College Tuition Assistance for Western U.S. States. Midwest States Tuition Assistance ProgramsResidents of Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Minnesota, Michigan, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota, Ohio, and Wisconsin may participate in a program to reduce out of...
Home Care Services in Chicago, IL Understanding the needs of Chicago seniors is important when considering senior home care. As our loved ones age, it can be difficult for them to perform tasks that used to be simple such as using the bathroom, dressing, bathing, and remembering to take ...
But in reality, they’re allocated in priority for low income families (but the bar can be sometime be quite high depending on your county median household income), disabled people, seniors and elderly, active duty military and veterans. There are also some related programs for teachers, law...
Federal Tuition Assistance Transition Certificates are for Soldiers who believe they will ETS (leaving the military) within three years, but want to get a certificate 21 credit hours to earn one “Transition Certificate” if they have not previously obtained a certificate in the past five years En...
Social impact bonds have the potential to open new funding sources for programs that deliver measurable social benefits and save taxpayer dollars in the process.The winning state and local governments plan to address issues ranging from early childhood education to helping seniors remain in their ...