English phonologyEnglish phoneticsVoicing assimilationPhonetics–phonology interfaceThis article investigates certain aspects of regressive voicing assimilation by means of a quantitative acoustic study of British English obstruent clusters. It is found that the phonologically voiceless obstruents /t, s/, ...
Assimilation Rule in English Teaching。 Assimilation rule is an important concept in English phonetics and phonology, and it plays a crucial role in the process of English language learning and teaching. In this article, we will explore the application of assimilation rule in English teaching and ...
而co-articulation更多发生在音节内部。不过现在在articulatory phonology的研究里面,它们反而变得更难区分了...
Assimilation, in phonetics and phonology, refers to the process by which a sound changes its features, pronunciation, or manner of articulation to become more similar to a neighboring sound. Among various assimilation processes, the assimilation rule holds considerable importance. In this article, we...
而co-articulation更多发生在音节内部。不过现在在articulatory phonology的研究里面,它们反而变得更难区分了...
Inphonology,assimilationis a commonphonological processby which one sound becomes more like a nearby ...
In phonology, particularly within historical linguistics, dissimilation is a phenomenon whereby similar consonants or vowels in a word become less similar. In English, dissimilation is particularly common with liquid consonants such as /r/ and /l/ when they occur in a sequence. Assimilation The abso...
6.(Phonetics & Phonology) (usually foll byto)phoneticsto change (a consonant) or (of a consonant) to be changed into another under the influence of one adjacent to it:(n) often assimilates to ŋ before (k), as in "include". ...
"In many cases, there is a two-way exchange of articulation features, e.g. Englishraise your glass/'reɪz jɔ: 'glɑ:s/ → /'reɪʒ ʒɔ: 'glɑ:s/. This is termedreciprocal assimilation." (Beverley Collins and Inger M. Mees, "Practical Phonetics and Phonology: A Resourc...
所属专辑:Phonetics and Phonology 喜欢下载分享 用户评论 表情0/300发表评论 暂时没有评论,下载喜马拉雅与主播互动音频列表 1 A7.3-Afrikaans-nasal-vowels 402023-11 2 B2.1-Assimilation-and-elision 262023-11 3 B3.1-Stress-timing-in-GB 292023-11 4 B3.2-Stress-and-Rhythm-in-English-Verse 292023-11 5...