Status type for the assignment of the worker to be excluded from the mass assignment process of development goals. BusinessTitle: string Title: Job Read Only: true Maximum Length: 255 Business title of the worker excluded from the mass assignment process of development goals. CreatedBy: stri...
It provides additional learning item information stored in flexfields. Create an assignment flexfield Method: post Path: /hcmRestApi/resources/{learnerLearningRecordsUniqID}/child/assignmentDFF Get all assignment flexfields Method: get Path: /...
Payroll Relationships/Payroll Assignments/Payroll Assignment Dates The payrollAssignmentDates resource is a child of the payrollAssignments resource. It includes a list of all element duration dates for a given payroll assignment. Get a payroll assignment date Method: get ...
Which employees have not received the retroactive pay in a payroll cycle? What are the rows, columns and the corresponding values of a specific User-Defined Table? What are the various User-Defined Tables defined in Fusion HCM? What is the performance document status including no status ...
Last Updated February 2024 You can use Oracle REST APIs to view and manage data stored in Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM.
Life Cycle Status: Active QName: {}AssignmentService Service WSDL URL: https://servername/crmService/AssignmentService?WSDL Relationships The following table describes how this service data object is related to other servic...
You supply the assignment component of the Worker object when making assignment changes under the existing work relationship. This topic shows how to load assignment changes using HCM Data Loader.
get /hcmRestApi/resources/{OfferId}/child/assignment/{assignmentUniqID}Request Path Parameters OfferId(required): integer The value of this parameter could be a hash of the key that is used to uniquely identify the resource ...
Status: HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: application/ Example of Response Body The following example shows the contents of the response body in JSON format. { "UserRoleId" : 300100185248805, "RoleId" : 5062, "RoleCode" : "PER_HUMAN_RESOURC...