Power Apps 文件 開始 尋找和執行應用程式 尋找和執行應用程式 在瀏覽器中 從AppSource 使用畫布應用程式 使用模型導向應用程式 概觀 煥然一新的新式外觀 整合介面 Copilot 功能 瀏覽和基本功能 使用資料列 建立資料列 編輯多個資料列 在新的行事曆檢視中使用資料列 在資料列中使用查閱欄位 檢視設定檔卡片 指派或...
You can assign apps from Microsoft Store for Business only to company users; you can’t assign them to groups or devices. If a user to whom you assign an app no longer needs the app, you can reclaim the license from that user.
Learn what the Microsoft 365 E3 Extra Features license includes, and assign the license to your users as soon as possible, so that they can use the...
SLUninstallSAMLicense function (Windows) CDCONTROLSTATE enumeration (Windows) CscSearchApiGetInterface function (Windows) IEnumSTATPROPSETSTG::RemoteNext method (Windows) MDM_eUICCs_Actions02 class (Windows) MDM_Policy_Config01_CredentialsDelegation02 class (Windows) MDM_Policy_Result01_UserRights02 cl...
Represents the association between a User and a PermissionSetLicense. This object is available in API version 29.0 and later.
Failed Per User License Issuance Summary TS 2012R2 Failed to apply policy and redirect folder Failed to create KVP sessions string. Error Code 0x8007007A Failing to deploy Remote Desktop Services on fresh Windows Server 2019 domain Faulting application name: wmiprvse.exe, version: 6.3.9600.16384, ...
+1. I'm right now using Capture NX-D for RAW development, because here my Nikon camera profile is used, but like you I got one more APh license with my X-Rite and was disappointed it could not be used. So I also need camera color profile and x-Rite compatibility. Quote ...
Salesforce Developer Website
Hi Deleted, I couldn't tell from your post where you're deriving the LOCATION variable in your screenshot for the formula. As I understand it, that LOCATION would have to be derived from the Requestor's location. I'm not sure how you're doing that now. ...
Power Apps 文档 开始 查找并运行应用 查找并运行应用 在浏览器中 自AppSource 使用画布应用 使用模型驱动应用 概述 已刷新的新外观 统一界面 Copilot 功能 导航和基础 使用行 创建行 编辑多个行 在新的日历视图中使用行 对行使用查找字段 查看个人资料卡 分配或共享行 与用户或团队共享行 使用访问团队共享行 检...