I know Chris Cox's job is a real ball buster and the things that he has to deal with are a cutting edge continuos headache. Im not saying that any Engineer is a slacker. I'm saying that Adobe's focus when it comes to features and implementations lacks true ...
I found a solution, maybe you could try it. $ sudo -E su # source /opt/intel/computer_vision_sdk/bin/setupvars.sh # ./security_barrier_camera_sample -i ../../../../../demo/car_1.bmp -m ../../../../../intel_models/vehicle-license-plate-detection-barrier-0007/FP16/vehicle...
Why would the assign option be readily available, if not to translate colors to a different gamut, without altering pixel data? Seems to me it is the primary reason Adobe developed the assign option in the first place. I know this is a lot of questions. Any inpu...
In my experience a density reading of 2.2 on a press sheet would be very dark. Is my understanding correct - that gamma (RGB) is comparable to ink density (CMYK)? Perhaps better to state as an analogy: Gamma: RGB as Density: CMYK My monitor RGB profile has a...