分辨率3440*1440,AC刷新率80hz,pure整合包在这里下载的(【2024 神力科莎 Assetto Corsa 画质 MOD pure 雨天 整合包精简安装流程 我奶看了都说简单】 https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1UW4y1P7dH/?share_source=copy_web&vd_source=9381523a3ea69eca3861b423b445753f) 游戏 单机游戏 游戏集锦 漂移 魔爪 ...
This is not just a game. This is real sim racing. In collaboration with the most prestigious car manufacturers, Assetto Corsa ups the simulation stakes with a focus on pure driving realism, with pin-point accuracy across every aspect of the game. In
6回复贴,共1页 <返回assettocorsa吧为什么打了pure mod cpu和显卡占用变的很低 只看楼主收藏回复 A梦life 车队修理 2 cpu是i7-10750 显卡是3060 6g 送TA礼物 1楼2024-07-13 13:19回复 seekeratgod 车队顾问 3 压根没调用,你看这塑料画质 来自iPhone客户端3楼2024-07-14 22:40 收起回复 A...
This is not just a game. This is real sim racing. In collaboration with the most prestigious car manufacturers, Assetto Corsa ups the simulation stakes with a focus on pure driving realism, with pin-point accuracy across every aspect of the game. All rendered to an obsessive level of detail...
本吧热帖: 1-《Assetto Corsa EVO》确认抢先体验版发布日期 2-争锋在纽北。 3-轮胎会型变。 4-新手车辆mod求教 5-有没有什么办法能够改手柄体感转向 6-求助,纽博格林赛道文件异常,如何修复? 7-大佬们救救 8-游戏崩溃,进不去 9-有偿求解决 游戏黑屏 会卡死 显示Connecti
Xmozn创建的收藏夹教程内容:2024 神力科莎 Assetto Corsa 画质 MOD pure 雨天 整合包精简安装流程 我奶看了都说简单,如果您对当前收藏夹内容感兴趣点击“收藏”可转入个人收藏夹方便浏览
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神力科莎 Assetto Corsa 本视频为利用Pure Planner塑造出片的环境。另外的Pure滤镜参数(Gamma/LCS) 和 CSP画质设置请参考:【【神力科莎】Pure Gamma 双滤镜画质设置分享:Pure + Reshade。另附本体,CSP画质设置。】 https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV17f421B748/?share_source=copy_web&vd_source=a67eddab5b...
Assetto Corsa v1.16 introduces the new "Laguna Seca" laser-scanned track, 7 new cars among which the eagerly awaited Alfa Romeo Giulia Quadrifoglio! Check the changelog for further info!
Assetto Corsa Car Tuner: This program allows you to tune any car in the game. You can do so with either "Basic Tuning" or "Advanced Tuning". Basic Tuning let's you modify preselected data like torque, turbo's, wheel drive and more! Advanced Tuning is for the more experienced tuner, ...