2. 手动安装:打开下载的压缩包,进入 Sol 子目录,将此目录中的所有文件解压至AC游戏根目录中(默认位于 steamapps\common\assettocorsa )。 3. 打开CM,按图示依次点击 [设置] > [CONTENT MANAGER] > [驾驶]。在 [扩展天气] 下除去前两项的打勾,只保留 [使用自定义天气粒子]。 4. 按图示依次点击 [设置] ...
Overall, Assetto Corsa Content Manager is not a vital necessity for Assetto Corsa. However, it doesprovide various features and conveniencesand offers a much-improved experience than the original game. With this, you can install mods with ease and even organize them. You can also repair mods wi...
转贴:【神力科莎教程..【神力科莎教程系列】 如何安装Content Manager - 神力科莎必备启动器_哔哩哔哩 (゜-゜)つロ 干杯~-bilibili转自:https://www.bilibili.com/vide
The following 'how-to' guide walks you through the step by step process of downloading mods such as race tracks and cars for Assetto Corsa, using an interface called Content Manager and a website called Racedepartment.
双鱼小嗝屁 车队修理 2 之前其实是可以下雨的不是内测也可以,但是目前更新后不行了,貌似必须要内测才行,我的是这样的。赞助一下吧也不贵几块钱而已。 6楼2022-12-27 01:33 回复 扫二维码下载贴吧客户端 下载贴吧APP看高清直播、视频! 贴吧页面意见反馈 违规贴吧举报反馈通道 贴吧违规信息处理公示17...
从content m..选择cars config 然后在右上角有三个竖排小点 点开来有个install automatically(recommend)默认是打上勾的,点一下把勾取消掉就行。可以再点开三点查看,选项前没有勾
content ma..content manager点击开始出现错误(如图),怎么破?图片上传失败。。。错误couldn't run steam在main log.log文件中查看更多信息怎么解决?
RaceHub Settings for Assetto Corsa: Wheelbases: Invicta– 20nm – Gain: 34% Forte– 18nm – Gain: 38% La Prima– 12nm – Gain: 56% Steering range:900 Degrees. (If custom soft lock is enabled, it can be set to max degrees. Soft lock requires the following mods: Content manager and...
3回复贴,共1页 <返回assettocorsa吧有用content manager的大佬吗,我的为啥进不去游 只看楼主收藏回复 Captivity_Y 车队修理 2 有用content manager的大佬吗,我的为啥进不去游戏,显示一直加载数据送TA礼物 来自Android客户端1楼2019-09-01 14:48回复 ...
2. 手动安装:打开下载的压缩包,进入 Sol 子目录,将此目录中的所有文件解压至AC游戏根目录中(默认位于 steamapps\common\assettocorsa )。 3. 打开CM,按图示依次点击 [设置] > [CONTENT MANAGER] > [驾驶]。在 [扩展天气] 下除去前两项的打勾,只保留 [使用自定义天气粒子]。 4. 按图示依次点击 [设置] ...