Assetto Corsa Competizione is the new official GT World Challenge videogame. Thanks to the extraordinary quality of simulation, the game will allow you to experience the real atmosphere of the GT3 homologated championship, competing against official driv
Assetto Corsa Competizione + 2023 GT World Challenge Pack Ressentez l'atmosphère du championnat GT3 avec les pilotes, équipes, voitures et circuits officiels. Ferrari 296 GT3 Porsche 911 (992) GT3 R Lamborghini Huracàn EVO2 Circuit de Valence
Fruit de la longue expérience en matière de simulations de course de qualité de KUNOS Simulazioni, Assetto Corsa Competizione vous permet de ressentir la véritable atmosphère du championnat GT3, et daffronter des pilotes, des équipes, et des voitur
Assetto Corsa Competizione is the new official GT World Challenge videogame. Thanks to the extraordinary quality of simulation, the game will allow you to experience the real atmosphere of the GT3 homologated championship, competing against official driv
较之于Codemasters的F1系列,Kunos Simulazioni的出赛准备:竞速(Assetto Corsa Competizione)(以下简称ACC)就是GTWC(GT World Challenge(GT世界挑战赛))的官方指定游戏。 因为Kunos Simulazioni在出赛准备(Assetto Corsa )的成功及受到各方的赞誉,于是和GT赛事的品牌方SRO赛车集团进一步合作,使用虚幻引擎(Unreal )打造了这...
Assetto Corsa Competizione赛事报名 青铜| ACC青铜争锋赛单一车型组 青铜| ACC青铜争锋赛GT3组 白银| ACC M2CS挑战赛 黄金| 尾翼杯ACC黄金联赛(GT3组) 铂金| CONSPIT X ROG 2023 铂金联赛 暂完结赛事 黄金| Legend Car 乐梗挑战杯 黄金| 黄金一停联赛 ...
Born from KUNOS Simulazioni's long-term experience in recreating top-grade driving simulations, Assetto Corsa Competizione allows you to feel the real atmosphere of the GT3 championship, competing against official drivers, teams, cars & circuits reproduced in-game with the highest level of accuracy...
当然这两款都是十分优秀的赛车模拟器,孰优孰劣看个人喜欢,我现在两个都刷,不过现在刷的更多的是出赛准备竞速(Assetto Corsa Competizione)这款游戏之后会提到。 出赛准备(Assetto Corsa)包含4条蒙扎布局,标准的GP布局, 2000年至今布局肯定要有的。 Palabolica弯的外侧缓冲区为修整后的铺装路面配置...
最近《Assetto Corsa Competizione神力科莎:竞速》在Steam上更新了最新的洲际GT拓展包,该拓展包获得了GT World Challenge官方授权,将包含45个新的赛车品牌、30支车队与50位新赛车手,58元的售价可谓颇值。洲际GT拓展包收录了横跨四大洲的国际著名赛道:卡亚拉米大奖赛赛道 (南非)铃鹿赛道 (日本)Weathertech赛道拉古纳...
要得到以上所有的体验,你都可以在而全球超级跑车们的战场宝珀GT的官方游戏Assetto Corsa Competizione (以下简称ACC) 在不久之前正式发布。这款游戏研发团队KUNOS曾今为F1车队提供专业的赛车模拟器,而ACC成了市面上少见的真正具备高度拟真驾驶体验的赛车电竞游戏,除此之外这款游戏还有许多值得赛车迷们兴奋的地方!