vue项目启动执行时报错找不到图片,error in ./src/assets/images/logo.png 解决: 先卸载再重新安装image-webpack-loader npm uninstall image-webpack-loader cnpm install image-webpack-loader --save-dev
其中,images文件夹存放项目中使用的图片资源,css文件夹存放样式文件,js文件夹存放第三方库或插件的JavaScript文件。 在Vue组件中使用assets里的静态资源,可以使用相对路径来引用。例如,在一个Vue组件中引用assets文件夹下的logo.png图片,可以使用以下代码: <template> </template> 这里使用了Vue的webpack模板,使用r...
同学你好,不是不能删除,是因为页面用到了这个logo图片。把它删掉,图片加载不到自然会报错。 如果想要删除,那么需要把引入图片的代码也删除才可以哦。 如果我的回答帮到了你,欢迎采纳,祝学习愉快~ 0 0 学习 · 10739 问题 查看课程 相似问题npm run start报错请问老师应该怎么办 回答1 老师报错了 回答2 老...
this.myXAMLImageElement.Source =newBitmapImage(newUri("ms-appx:///Assets/Images/logo.png")); You can usems-appxto load any arbitrary file from your app package. C# varuri =newSystem.Uri("ms-appx:///Assets/anyAsset.ext");varstoragefile =awaitWindows.Storage.StorageFile.GetFileFromApplica...
...该图像将被处理并添加到 output 目录,并且 logo 变量将包含该图像在处理后的最终 url name: 'img/[name].[hash:8].../assets/images/logo.png" alt /> css-loader/html-loader 会识别这是一个本地文件,并将 '.../assets/images/logo.png' 路径,替换为 output 目录中图像的最终路径。 vue-loader...
The official StudioPress logo (both logo and icon only). All of these files are in PNG format, with transparent backgrounds (click each image to open it in a new tab). You can also download our logos in vector format Download (1.3MB, .eps and .ai) StudioPress color icon, PNG, 600×...
Images terms of use All rights in and to the images contained in this gallery is owned by or licensed to the Standard Chartered Group and its members. By accessing, downloading or using any images contained in this image gallery, you agree to these terms of use: (a) You may use the im...
images, fonts. You add those to the list of load paths when configuring Assets: var resolver = new Assets({ loadPaths: ['assets/fonts', 'assets/images'] }); Now, instead of writing this: var url = '/assets/images/icons/create.png'; var url = '/assets/images/icons/read.png'; ...
Logo SVG Logo SVG Icon JPEG About OPPO Description OPPO, established in 2004, is a renowned global smart device manufacturer and innovator. With a presence in over 60 countries and regions, OPPO has become one of the world's leading brands in the industry. Their wide range of products includ...
Logo PNG About Monmon Description Monmon is a Finnish brand that offers high-quality products at accessible prices. Despite its name, Monmon is a proudly Finnish brand. With a goal to bring joy and a twinkle to people's eyes, Monmon creates unique and distinctive designs that are instantly...