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5.加载和卸载 AssetBundle 和资源 不懂的可查看官方手册:本机使用 AssetBundle - Unity 手册在开发阶段将AB包放在本地,开发结束后再上传到服务器 //AssetBundle.LoadFromFile var myLoadedAssetBundle = AssetBundle.LoadFromFile(Path.Combine(Application.streamingAssetsPath, "myassetBundle"));//manifest文件路径,要带上...
2、拥挤的Library文件夹 所有Asset文件最终都会被导入到Library文件夹中,真正使用的是Library文件夹中的内容 (不同平台导入内容不一样,这也是我们平时换平台会重新load一次的原因) Tip:由于Unity最终用到的文件并非源文件,而是经过unity处理后的文件,所以源文件的失真越小越好 如:wav文件原始采样最好,所以声音文件使用...
An example of the usage of tex2Dlod in surface shaders. - unity-tex2dlod-example/Assets/VertexModifier.shader at master · keijiro/unity-tex2dlod-example
AssetStudioMod - modified version of Perfare's AssetStudio, mainly focused on UI optimization and some functionality enhancements. - AssetStudio/AssetStudio/AssetsManager.cs at 432116d834230f31a7147a9e4ddf5b298882d091 · jie65535/AssetStudio
准备游戏资源。 对资源进行合理的管理。 而资源管理最直观的体现在与对游戏项目中文件的归类于命名。 在Unity 3D 中所有游戏相关文件都被系统放置在Assets文件夹下。 在一个 Unity 3D 项目中,通常逐渐产生大量的模型、材质以及其他游戏资源等,所以你需要将这些...
Key strategies for ICT use by the poor include (1) linking ICT centres with various types of community media, including print and both cable radio and television; (2) building on existing assets and networks of the poor, particularly [...] unesdoc.unesco.org 信息和传播技术为穷人所用,...
Welcome to our free Unity assets page – its regularly updated and chock full of high quality free assets to kick start your game. If you would like to add something, learn something, or just hang out with like minded people then head on over to our discord server and say hello! You ...
Original Unity version 2022.3.37 or higher Frequently bought together Quick Look MITSUGETSU eight Chinese voice assets for 5 characters | TSUKAERU CHINA female vol.2 (not enough ratings) $40 Quick Look MITSUGETSU eight VOICE ASSETS 8Characters of Chinese Male | TSUKAERU ...
Pro GIF Recorder Toolkit is a powerful GIF recorder package for Unity, which supports multiple mobile and desktop platforms, with the unified APIs. Same with Pro GIF & Pro GIF Universal, the encoder is multi-threaded, brings the best performance GIF recorder for your indie and even commercial ...