第一个问题自己找到原因了,我在while之前写了句yield return downhandle;另外通过downhandle.Status == ...
BuildPipeline.BuildStreamedSceneAssetBundleis used when you want to include only scenes to be streamed and loaded as the data becomes available. BuildPipeline.BuildAssetBundleExplicitAssetNamesis the same as BuildPipeline.BuildAssetBundle but has an extra parameter to specify a custom string identifier (...
Scene…… couldn‘t be loaded because it has not been added to the build settings or the AssetBundle...,程序员大本营,技术文章内容聚合第一站。
("Loads scene '{0}' completed.", sceneName); else if (state == LoadState.AssetBundleLoaded) Debug.LogFormat("The AssetBundle has been loaded."); else if (state == LoadState.SceneActivationReady) { Debug.LogFormat("Ready to activate the scene."); result.AllowSceneActivation = true; } ...
url The URL to download the data from (if it is not cached). @paramint version Version of the data. The file will only be loaded from the disk cache if it has previously been downloaded with the same version parameter. This lets you force clients to re-download updated data from the ...
of your choice. These files use a proprietary compressed format and can be loaded on demand by your application. This allows you to stream in content, such as models, textures, audio clips, or even entire scenes separately from the scene in which they will be used. AssetBundles have been ...
Scene 'シーン名' couldn't be loaded because it has not been added to the build settings or the AssetBundle has not been loaded. To add a scene to the build settings use the menu File->Build Settings... ひとまず言われた通り直す ...
("Loads scene '{0}' completed.", sceneName); else if (state == LoadState.AssetBundleLoaded) Debug.LogFormat("The AssetBundle has been loaded."); else if (state == LoadState.SceneActivationReady) { Debug.LogFormat("Ready to activate the scene."); result.AllowSceneActivation = true; } ...
If they are not in the same bundle, have you loaded both bundles? 如果捆绑包之间的引用有时会被破坏,这似乎更像Unity的问题或资产包的加载方式与脊椎运行时相关 If references between bundles are sometimes broken, this seems more like a problem with Unity or how the asset bundles are loaded than...
darshankawaraddedplatform-webWeb applications specificallya: imagesLoading, displaying, rendering imageshas reproducible stepsThe issue has been confirmed reproducible and is ready to work onfound in release: 3.0Found to occur in 3.0found in release: 3.1Found to occur in 3.1and removedin triagePresentl...