You cannot post to asset in company code 1900 fiscal year 2021 Message no. AA347 Diagnosis A year-end carryforward hasnotyet been performed in Asset Accounting for company code 1900. Procedure Check the asset value date. 解决方案: 执行事务代码 FAGLGVTR (Balance Carryforward - Central FI). ...
Check the asset value date. 解决方案: 执行事务代码 FAGLGVTR (Balance Carryforward - Central FI). 输入公司代码等参数,执行完毕后,再执行MIGO+241,Check后不再报错了。如下图: 后续过账也能成功了。 注:以上展示是基于SAP S/4 HANA 1909版本的系统上,该系统激活了SAP IS-RETAIL。 -完- 写于2021-12-...
You cannot post to asset in company code 1900 fiscal year 2021 Message no. AA347 Diagnosis A year-end carryforward has not yet been performed in Asset Accounting for company code 1900.Procedure Check the asset value date.解决方案:执行事务代码 FAGLGVTR (Balance Carryforward - Central FI).
You cannot post to asset in company code 1900 fiscal year 2021 Message no. AA347 Diagnosis A year-end carryforward hasnotyet been performed in Asset Accounting for company code 1900. Procedure Check the asset value date. 解决方案: 执行事务代码 FAGLGVTR (Balance Carryfor...
The asset value date, corrected by the period control of the depreciation key, is the key factor in determining the depreciation start date. Default Values for Asset Value Date Since the asset value date has a direct influence on the amount of depreciation, the system creates a default value ...
Check the asset value date. 解决方案: 执行事务代码 FAGLGVTR (Balance Carryforward - Central FI). 输入公司代码等参数,执行完毕后,再执行MIGO+241,Check后不再报错了。如下图: 后续过账也能成功了。 注:以上展示是基于SAP S/4 HANA 1909版本的系统上,该系统激活了SAP IS-RETAIL。
Check the asset value date. 解决方案: 执行事务代码 FAGLGVTR (Balance Carryforward - Central FI). 输入公司代码等参数,执行完毕后,再执行MIGO+241,Check后不再报错了。如下图: 后续过账也能成功了。 注:以上展示是基于SAP S/4 HANA 1909版本的系统上,该系统激活了SAP IS-RETAIL。
20.Fill in the relevant information of Asset Retirement bookmark Asset number: Accounting Principle: GAAP Depreciation:01 Document Date: Asset Value Date: Posting period:9 Documen Type:AA 30.Choose the partial retirement Choose either Amount Posted or Percentage, Choose Reference: Prior-year or curr...
In Asset accounting, the asset value date is very important value field solely because it is the main criteria for calculating the depreciation value for the asset.
Example: If asset acquired on 2003 with life of 20 years, If in 2013 valuation upward transaction is posted. Here the requirement is depreciation on revaluation value to be Calculated & posted from the beginning of the asset acquisition date that is from 2003. and these depreciation on revalu...