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获取Asset Store 最新资讯 输入电子邮件地址 China 除了Asset Store 的资讯之外,我同意由 Unity 向我发送营销活动信息,并通过电子邮件和社交媒体接收来自 Unity 的营销和促销信息。 选择“注册”按钮即表示您同意Unity 隐私政策(韩国居民同意Unity 收集和使用个人信息)。
This website lists reduced assets, deals and secret or official Unity Asset Store Sales as well as other game development related offers. Find officially reduced assets, deals, huge mega sales like the Cyber Sale, Holiday Sales, freebies and also find re
1 unity 2018的Asset Store位置在window菜单下main。首先点击window.2 接着点击Asset Store,或者使用快捷键ctrl + 9.3 打开Asset Store面板之后,若要查找资源包,点击搜索框,等待蹦出列表后,输入要搜索的包名。4 如果要查看目前自己已经有的资源包,点击如图My Assets。5 在右侧可以筛选资源包类型,是否Free等...
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Free MatCap Shadershttps://www.assetstore.unity3d.com/#/content/8221 Nobiax / Yughues (Textures)https://www.assetstore.unity3d.com/#/publisher/4986 Ray Larabie (Fonts)https://www.assetstore.unity3d.com/#/publisher/1780Note: Has a TRS-80 Color Computer font, how nerdy is that?
Finding packages on the Asset Store在Web 浏览器中打开 Asset Store 时,主页会显示几个缩略图,这些缩略图代表 Unity 提供的一些销售产品和促销活动。还有一些建议,例如最热门的资源包和推荐的 Asset Store 资源包。You can browse through the suggestions, or search for something specific. If you are looking...
Develop once, publish everywhere! Unity is the ultimate tool for video game development, architectural visualizations, and interactive media installations - publish to the web, Windows, OS X, Wii, Xbox 360, and iPhone with many more platforms to come.
它们让制作惊咩的游戏变得前所未有的简单。从独立项目到大型制作,他们的低多边形软件包是获得专业视觉效果的秘密武器。 Synty Studios 的资源低至 5 折,此外还有一款免费资源赠送。这些资源还与 Unity 6 兼容。 立刻购买 AVPro Video - Ultra Edition 语言 English 简体中文 한국어 日本語 关注Asset Store...