SLAM Technologies is designed to make Facility Asset Management simple. With a user-friendly design, SLAM Asset Management Software allows capital managers to ensure alignment between facility spending and long-term goals, and obtain a clear picture of t
systems, however, may not adequately cover all these functions and lack optimization features that are suitable for large scale networks.; This research introduces a comprehensive asset management framework to support the efficient planning of maintenance and repair programs for educational buildings. The...
lifecycle is a priority for our customers. We help them find ways to join the dots between the data they gather and making smarter asset and facilities management decisions. This enables our customers to not just assess, analyse and plan; but to maintain and operate their buildings more ...
Accruent's software helps workplace & asset management organizations unify their built environments for better management of people, places, and resources.
Asset performance management (APM) is a strategic approach that businesses rely on to optimize the performance of their most valuable assets.
All kinds of organizations across different industries can benefit from digital asset management (DAM), but galleries, libraries, archives and museums [GLAM] digital asset management presents a unique set of challenges — and opportunities. Not only are
In general, assets are the goods that the organization requires for its operation, i.e. to produce income. The main objective of asset management is to coordinate the life cycle of assets. It is the set of activities aimed at extracting value from the company's assets, assessing the ...
asset’s value for as long as possible. To do this, many companies rely onasset management softwarelike anenterprise asset management (EAM) systemto create transparency, enhance monitoring capabilities and resolve issues quickly. Here are some of the benefits of effective asset management software: ...
how it functions. There are two main types of IT asset management solutions: software and hardware. Organizations also track physical and location-specific assets such as desks, chairs, vehicles, and buildings, but those usually fall in the facilities asset management space and do not involve IT...
Capitalization thresholds should be establishedby management in accordance with PP&E guidelines. For example, for bulk software purchases, both the bulk cost and theuseful lifeof the software should be included in the calculation. If it is contractor-developed software, the amount paid to the vendor...