标准号:ISO 55001:2024 EN 标准名称:资产管理-资产管理系统-要求 英文名称:Asset management — Asset management system — Requirements 标准状态:现行 发布日期:2024-07-03 文档简介 ISO55001:2024资产管理——资产管理系统的要求是一个国际标准,它为组织提供了建立资产管理系统的框架。这个标准主要关注资产的全生命...
标准号:ISO 55001:2014 EN 标准名称:资产管理 管理系统 要求 英文名称:Asset management — Management systems — Requirements 标准状态:废止 发布日期:2014-01-09 文档简介 ISO55001是资产管理管理体系标准,旨在为企业提供资产管理、识别和管理组织资产相关的风险、确保资产的有效性和经济性以及满足组织财务绩效和战略...
ISO55002:2014ENAssetmanagement—Managementsystems—GuidelinesfortheapplicationofISO55001是一套关于资产管理管理体系的指南标准,旨在帮助组织有效地实施ISO55001标准。ISO55001是国际标准化组织(ISO)发布的一套资产管理管理体系标准,旨在为组织提供一种可靠、有效的管理体系框架,以确保资产管理的效率和效益。 ISO55002的...
$%^&*AU2016101262A420160915.pdf### Abstract This is a methodology that allows a service provider company to claim compliance to this International Standard while providing asset management activities (e.g. Operations and Maintenance, etc) on a physical asset while they do not own that physical...
专利内容由知识产权出版社提供 专利名称:ISO 55001 Complying Asset Management System for Services Industry 发明人:Bigdeli, Babak 申请号:AU2016101262 申请日:20160725 公开号:AU2016101262A4 公开日:20160915 摘要:#$%^&*AU2016101262A420160915.pdf### Abstract This is a methodology that allows a service pro...
The ISO 55001 standard provides specific requirements for an asset management system that proactively manages the lifecycle of assets, from acquisition to decommission. It will enhance your ability to deliver products and services that meet customer, as well as statutory and regulatory, demands. ...
A new international suite of standards has been created to give guidance in asset management best practice. ISO 55001 focuses on helping you develop a proactive lifecycle asset management system. This supports optimization of assets and reduces the overall cost of ownership while helping you to meet...
ISO 55001:2014 provides clear guidance on building an asset management system that brings strategy and day-to-day action together, allowing you to run a more efficient business. Request a quote Find out how much ISO 55001 certification could cost your business. ...
ISO 55002 2nd Edition, November 2018 Asset management - Management systems - Guidelines for the application of ISO 55001 Revision: 2nd Edition, November 2018 Published Date: November 2018 Status: Active, Most Current Document Language: English(原版PDF)+Chinese(ISO中文版翻译) ...
ISO 55001 Asset Management System applies to all physical, financial, human as well as intangible assets irrespective of their size. ISO 55001 aims to optimise the availability and profitability of your assets throughout their lifecycle. It manages the risks and costs ...