company, spread among individual shareholders of common or preferred stock.Asset=Liability+Equity 简单来说 asset就是公司资产 liability 就是欠账 Equity就是分配给各股东或是公司拥有者的净的资产。 它们之间的关系是会计学的基本公式 也是balance sheet 的主要内容 ...
但是这两个词是有区分典,即liability是负债,而debt专指有息负债,即liability>debt total capital = total debt + shareholders' equity total asset = total liability + shareholders' equity total debt指有息负债(长期), total liability的含义用公式来理解:total liability = total debt + 经营性负债(或者短期...
这应该是 balance sheet 里的吧 current assets +non-current assets=current Liabilities+non-current Liabilities+owners equity 这叫 balance 当然是两边都要 平衡 一个是 你own的 一个是 你owes 的
Asset并不能完全对等于capital 因为除了debt,你还有liability,比如:wages payable/account payable之类的。
What is the asset equal to? A、Assets = Liabilities + Shareholders’ equity B、Assets = Current asserts + net fixed assets C、Assets = Current liabilities + Long-term debt + Shareholders’ equity D、Assets = Current asserts + net fixe
在货币准量上一样 区别在于 产-产值 而 产 在账面上往往为 产值 所代
Equity vs Assets are different terms, but both are related. We can say that one is the Source of Funds, and the Other is the Application or Utilization of Funds. One is Liability, and the Other is Asset. Recommended Articles This has been a guide to the top difference between Equity vs...
Is stock an asset or an equity? Is shareholders' equity a liability? Are shares intangible assets? Are shares fixed assets? Is stock an intangible asset? Stockholder's equity consists of Are retained earnings equity? Is shareholder equity the same as total equity? Is a shareholder loan debt ...
Asset/equity ratio The ratio of totalassets to stockholder equity. Asset/liability management Also called surplus management, the task of managing funds of a financial institution to accomplish the two goals of a financial institution: 1) to earn an adequate return on funds invested, and ...