The retrieved publications were then screened in two steps: First, we reviewed the abstracts for their topic fit, considering meta-analyses that were published in English between 1995 and 2020. Besides, the full texts of these publications must have been made available, the topic must have relate...
School Administrators and Teachers can view data for their own school. Educators can fine-tune their participation rate by customizing the grades expected to take each assessment. In addition, educators can then see a list of “unscreened” students from the “Explore the data” link, all...
Instrument validity for specific populations was a clear gap, particularly for children with disability. While survey-based instruments were deemed the most feasible for use in schools, a comprehensive assessment may arguably require objective measures for elements in the physical domain. If a physical...
Presents a study that examined executive functions using performance tasks in several boys aged 6 to 16 years, who attended public schools and therapeutic schools for children with emotional and behavioral problems. Sequelae of child abuse; Neurobiological aspects of the stress response and of executive...
The final sample for this study included 1623 adolescents who reported any DEB at baseline, follow-up 1, or follow-up 2 or who screened negative for the Development and Well-Being Assessment (DAWBA) section P screening eating disorder questions at each corresponding age. Individuals with missing...
By further applying a criterion for the papers to contain ‘circular’, the gross pool of papers was reduced to the ‘circular pool’ of literature, which were subject to an abstract screening. All papers screened on abstracts were included in a separate excel sheet, noting the reason for ...
First, the abstracts and titles were screened. If the article indicated that the assessment tool addressed constructs related to bullying and was administered to respondents between 12 and 20 years of age and had not already been identified in the Compendium of Assessment Tools, it was retained. ...