Homes reported using a mean 2.2 卤 1.1 (range 0-7) different tools. The two most commonly used tools were the Dementia Observation System (DOS) and Cohen-Mansfield Agitation Inventory (CMAI). Overall confidence in most aspects of tool use was reported to be high, with workload identified ...
This study examines the possibility of developing a standard assessment instrument for residents in care homes, which could assess individual care needs, assist in constructing care plans and help to cost the level of care provided. Staff used a modified American Minimum Data Set/Resident Assessment...
EPA's IAQ Tools for Schools, but adds supplemental checklists and materials on asthma, mold and moisture, air cleaning, cleaning management, and other topic areas. There is a special focus on allergy and asthma-related conditions. Dozens of Albuquerque homes and over 1400 New Mexico child care...
Notably, however, there are no mandatory requirements or recommendations regarding the specific methods or tools used to assess for frailty in residents. Accordingly, nursing homes are able to exercise a considerable degree of autonomy in assessing for frailty and may use a number of different ...
Do different assessment tools influence the design process and also guide ‘green’ building projects in different directions? Three assessment tools, Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design for New Construction (LEED-NC), Code for Sustainable Homes (CSH) and EcoEffect, were tested in a case...
Long-term care (LTC) refers to a variety of services and facilities, including nursing homes, rehabilitation facilities, and LTC hospitals, which help meet both the medical and nonmedical needs of...doi:10.1007/978-3-319-62503-4_5Francesco Panza...
Using validated tools to identify pre-frail/frail older people is an essential step in estimating the community need and hence the formulation of preventative services [16,17,18]. Various frailty screening tools are available, but no tool has been developed for the Asia-Pacific region [12, 14...
Increasing numbers of elderly people are entering private residential homes in the UK. Results of surveys show poor oral health in this group. A survey was therefore conducted of 50 residential homes (housing 1337 residents) to determine assessment on entry and continuing care provision. In 38 per...
"A Pain Assessment Tool to be used with the School-Age Child Eight-to-Ten Years Old" was developed to assist in assessing this aged child's pain experience. It was designed to serve as a guide tor the nurse to better assess the eight-to-ten year old in pain. The information obtained...
Methods: A review of existing screening tools and observational methods was conducted to develop an outline of potential components. Initial feedback was obtained after selected toys and components were provided to different potential users who were both experienced (at least five years of experience ...