The Bristol Tongue Assessment Tool (BTAT), a clear and simple evaluation of the severity of tongue-tie, is being used worldwide and translated into different languages. We aimed to produce a simple picture version of the BTAT to aid and enhance consistent assessment of infants with tongue-...
Tongue-tiethe Assessment Tool for Lingual Frenulum Function (ATLFF) is the only available tool designed to assess newborn babies for the severity of tongue-tie. The aim of this study was to describe the ATLFF scores obtained on a series of 148 tongue-tied newborn babies. prospective case ...
By taking functional assessment into account, the these assessment tools may be able to better assess for posterior ankyloglossia [3]. The Bristol Tongue-tie Assessment Tool (BTAT), like the HATLFF, incorporates elements of tongue appearance and function, but is less exhaustive and may be more...
A frenuloplasty may be considered when one has tongue-tie. The more acidic one is, the more likely apneic they are as well. Dr. Yu mentioned that many medical problems are caused by dental problems. Simon Yu, MD continued and shared: Tinidazole and Azithromycin often balance the dental ...
This study aimed to develop an objective tool to measure the lipreading performance of hearing-impaired children. This is because lipreading is an important facilitator of the progress in speech reading, auditory, and linguistic abilities which are the targets of the therapy program for the HI ...
Tongue appearance was significantly associated with having a procedure, while lip appearance was not. The Bristol Breastfeeding Assessment Tool (BBAT) was lower in children undergoing tongue and/or lip frenotomy (p=0.0006), while the Hazelbaker Assessment Tool for Lingual Frenulum Function (HATLFF...
Assessing tongue-tie is the focus of this article. As I see it, there are two levels of identification. First, the morphological identification: On inspection of the baby's mouth, a short frenulum may be identified. The second level would be the clinical one: A short frenulum may or may...
Tongue tie: assessment, referral and outcomesSuzanne Barber
TONGUE-TIEOral cavity anomalies may contribute to breastfeeding problems. The objective of this study was to describe our experience in a high-volume breastfeeding difficulty clinic with a focus on posterior ankyloglossia and upper-lip ties. A retrospective review of patients from a dedicated breast...
Methods: We discuss the development of a specialist tongue tie assessment clinic in our unit. Results: From January to October 2023, there were 162 visits to the clinic by 157 patients. During this time, there were 96 frenotomies performed. Conclusions: The mother-infant dyad is a vulnerable...