Evaluation of variables in illicit drug use: does a controlled substance abuse screening tool identify illicit drug use? Pain Physician. 2004;7(1):71-75.PubMedGoogle Scholar 21. Boscarino JA, Hoffman SN, Han JJ. Opioid-use disorder among patients on long-term opi...
Methods: Participants (n = 121) were patients receiving treatment for opioid use disorder with hydromorphone (an opioid analgesic) or diacetylmorphine (medical grade heroin). Ratings of physician communication were collected using the 14-item Communication Assessment Tool. Items were dichotomized...
This study aims to inform such a tool by describing and rank-ordering patients' considerations when deciding whether to start medication and, if starting, choosing a medication. Methods Adults with OUD (N = 81) attending an addiction treatment center or syringe exchange program completed focus...
Data Extraction and Synthesis Random-effects models were used to calculate mean SHAPS scores and 95% CIs separately for healthy participants and patients with current major depressive disorder (MDD), past/remitted MDD, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, substance use disorders, Parkinson disease, and chr...
ROC curve analyses were used to assess the sensitivity and specificity of the SOAPP-R as a screening tool for the detection of aberrant medication-related behavior. Results Creation of an Item Pool Creation of the original item pool was formed by a consensus of 26 experts on predictive ...
trouble eating and sleeping, diarrhea, muscle rigidity, and difficulty soothing. Providers assess the infant using a standardized assessment tool and determine the need for medication treatment accordingly. The medications used to treatwithdrawal symptomsin infants with NAS include morphine, methadone, and...
Misuse is a necessary but not solely a sufficient criterion for a substance use disorder. Susceptible individuals are at risk of misuse of medications that stimulate the brain's reward center, including opioid analgesics, stimulants, benzodiazepines, or tranquilizers. Drug abuse is when drugs are ...
As a useful tool for summarizing research evidence, meta-analysis might not be always applicable because of clinical or statistical heterogeneity. Our results did not show the association between the presence of a meta-analysis and methodological quality of SRs of CP/CPPS. It might be that ...
Designer Receptors Exclusively Activated by Designer Drugs (DREADDs) have become a premier neuroscience research tool for enabling reversible manipulations of cellular activity following experimenter-controlled delivery of a DREADD-specific ligand. However, several DREADD ligands, e.g., clozapine-N-oxide (...
the use of the esc care approach will not delay the initiation of pharmacologic therapy. use of the esc care tool for the assessment of infants may delay the initiation of pharmacologic therapy and thus infants may be at an advanced state of withdrawal and more difficult to “capture”. ...