Objective Date and respiratory assessment order •Inspection•Palpation•Percussion•Auscultation Inspection of lungs •Skin assessment(cyanosis) , including lesions, and varicosities•Facial expressions.•Level of consciousness.•Use bony landmarks to determine symmetry of the chest wall.•Det...
Predictable Alternating periods of deep, rapid breathing, followed by periods of apnea Biot's Respirations Unpredictable varying rate and depth of breathing, followed by periods of apnea Kussumaul's Respirations Deep, Gasping breaths with respiratory rate greater than 20 ...
-particularly dangerous in patients with severe chronic cardiopulmonary disease as it may cause acute respiratory failure. snoring -serious concern when associated with apnea.-evaluate for OSA with polysonmophraphy (sleep study.)-10-12 percent in children occurs equally between boys and girls.-10-...
-Respiratory status-Look for signs of bleeding or infection at site. Chest X-Ray Used to identify abnormalities such as foreign bodies, fluid, infiltrates, and tumors. Pulmonary Function Test Detects impaired pulmonary function, assist in diagnosis in clients with respiratory disorders, and measure...
Cocci Valley Fever Orthopnea shortness of breath when lying flat Mucus Color, consistency, viscosity, amount, odor Crepitus Cracklng Blue Bloater Low Oxygen Pink Puffer High CO2 最好的學習方式。免費註冊。 註冊代表你接受Quizlet的服務條款和隱私政策 以Google帳戶繼續 關於...
用Quizlet學習並牢記包含In the physical examination, subjective data gathered are referred to as:、An RT examining a patient auscultates wheezes in the right lower lobe (RLL). This would be an example of:、Which of the following types of questions are pre
rubbing together of inflamed pleural layers A HIGH PITCHED GRATING OR RUBBING SOUND THAT MAY BE HEARD THROUGHOUT THE RESPIRATORY CYCLE. LOUDEST OVER LOVER LATERAL ANTERIOR SURFACE pts with: pleuritis abnormal breath sounds: Grunting retention of air in lungs ...
Causes loss of blood glucose control in diabetics Effects of unrelieved pain on CV systems Acute: increase in HR and BPChronic: unstable angina, MI, and DVTCauses anti-clotting effect of blood Effects of unrelieved pain on Respiratory Pain patients don't want to breathe, take short shallow ...
The nurse in the emergency department should see which of these four patients first? -A patient requesting ice chips for a sore throat and an earache. -A patient with an elevated temperature, sore throat, and upper respiratory symptoms. ...
The bell detects what kind of noises? Lower pitched noises When assessing a murmur what things should you be sure to document? timing and duration, pitch, intensity, pattern, quality, location and radiation, respiratory phase variations What is a thrill? Vibration. What is a bruit? Thrill hear...