Anxiety disorders have a particularly high prevalence in the Hispanic population, with some lifetime prevalence estimates as high as 27% for women and 20% for men (Vega WA, Kolody B, Aguilar-Gaxiola S, Aldrete E, Catalano R, Caraveo-Anduaga J. Lifetime prevalence of DSM-IIR psychiatric ... sion,_mania_and_anxiety_-_Lam,_Michalak,_Swinson.pdfLam RW, Michalak EE, Swinson RP: Assessment Scales in Depression, Mania and Anxiety . Boca Raton, FL: Taylor & Francis; 2005....
Trait EI encompasses an individual’s self-perceived ability to understand and manage emotions in various situations. It represents a form of intelligence that goes beyond cognitive abilities, enabling adaptability and flexibility, particularly in social contexts, which are crucial for personal growth and...
Four information sources affect self-efficacy: actual performances (e.g. challenging tasks with support), vicarious experiences (e.g., seeing others succeed at the task), forms of social persuasion (e.g., feedback and encouragement) and, physiological information (e.g. minimizing anxiety while ...
Wu, Xiaoming (Molly), Lawrence Jun Zhang & Helen R. Dixon. 2021. Implementing assessment for learning (AfL) in Chinese university EFL classes: Teachers’ values and practices.System10258. 1–12. in Google Scholar ...
His main interests of research are CALL, AI, TEFL, SLA, Educational Psychology, Positive Psychology, Motivation and Anxiety, EFL Teaching and Learning, Language Learning and Technology, Teaching Language Skills, and Language Learning Strategies. His research papers and articles have been published in ...
Due to the intrinsic nonlinearity and nonstationarity of the RR interval series, a specific point-process model was devised for instantaneous identification considering autoregressive nonlinearities up to the third-order according to the Wiener-Volterra representation, thus tracking very fast stimulus-...
Janke's [26] study found that students were more likely to commit acts of academic dishonesty for assessments not done under proctored, timed conditions. However, due to the known limitations of in-class assessments (e.g. limited scope, test-taking anxiety, lack of differentiation, ...
While a comprehensive review of assessment techniques across all sleep and anxiety disorders is beyond the scope of this book, we focus on commonly used and supported measures and techniques for assessment, including physiologic, clinical, and structured interviews, and self-reported measures of sleep...
Although extended time for tests and examinations is the most commonly requested and provided accommodation in post-secondary institutions, best practice g