Assessing Community Needs, Resources And Organizing: Basis For Sustainable Community Extension Projects By The College Of Social Sciences, University Of Rizal System Pililla, RizalAlmario-Desoloc, Maria SalomeJournal of Positive School Psychology
following the four dimensions of the community resilience framework as defined by Bruneau et al. (2003): (1)technicaldimension, related to the physical system; (2)organizationaldimension, related to the public administration; (3)socialdimension, related to the population and its needs; and (4)ec...
In this approach, military personnel and family members identify high-priority problems they face; these are linked to their high-priority needs, which are then linked to resources they have contacted and the effectiveness of those resources. A survey instrument embodying this approach was developed...
geriatrics, home care, elderly, community health services, home health aides, people with disabilitiesA survey study of home care workers (N = 91) in three federally funded home care programs sheds light on the perceived community care and support service needs of the functionally impaired elderly...
In India, the role of CHWs includes social activism, acting as a liaison between primary health centers and the population, and meeting the immediate needs of rural and marginalized communities. As a result, CHWs in India have gained recognition from the public by improving awareness and changing...
[358]. However, its use is reluctant due to the technocratic use of AI and its not being implemented sustainably. The main focus has been on increasing efficiency, but a sustainable implementation also needs a social and environmental equitable point of view [358]. The challenge of ...
However, future research needs to explore strategies to: provide regular, ongoing PA training, enhance internal team dynamics, and integrate PA promotion as a regular part of their clinical responsibilities and community outreach.Peer Review reports Background Over the past three decades, we have ...
Furthermore, there may be bias in the CQC data since NHS Trusts may be transferring patients with higher complex needs to the independent sector, necessitating longer admissions [14, 15]. The Assessing the Clinical and cost-Effectiveness of inpatient mental health Rehabilitation services provided by...
Damage to critical infrastructure significantly reduces the capacity of a nation to provide its population with basic services to meet their needs. Therefore, it is of the upmost importance that such infrastructure is resilient to potential hazards and the imminent threat of climate change (OECD, ...
Education, time and financial resources were important barriers to research use, while attitudes, intentions and self-efficacy were facilitators. More efforts are needed to develop tools to help CBOs use research.Shane N Sweet PhDSchool of Kinesiology and Health StudiesAmy E Latimer-Cheung PhD...