Synonyms for assess Collins Roget's WordNet verbjudge Synonyms judge determine estimate fix analyse evaluate rate value check out compute gauge weigh up appraise size up eye up verbevaluate Synonyms evaluate rate tax value demand estimate fix impose levy Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – ...
The meaning of ASSESS is to determine the rate or amount of (something, such as a tax, charge, or fine). How to use assess in a sentence. Synonym Discussion of Assess.
Define assessed. assessed synonyms, assessed pronunciation, assessed translation, English dictionary definition of assessed. to appraise or evaluate; estimate value for tax purposes Not to be confused with: asses – more than one donkey or dolt Abused, C
A.Plenty of well-preserved shipwrecks are available in the Baltic. B.How to survey underwater wrecks. C.The sinking of five Viking ships formed a blockage at the entrance to a fjord. D.The importance of the wreck recovery. 查看答案需要1币 进入试题列表 Which...