assess the damage:评估损失 双语例句 We need to assess the impact of the new policy.我们需要评估新政策的影响。 Teachers assess their students' work at the end of each term.每个学期末,老师对学生们的作业进行评估。 It's difficult to assess the full extent of ...
rate adds to estimate the notion of placing a thing according to a scale of values. a highly rated restaurant assess implies a critical appraisal for the purpose of understanding or interpreting, or as a guide in taking action. officials are trying to assess the damage Examples...
:to determine the importance, size, or value of assessa problem assessthe damage 5 sports:to charge (a player or team) with a foul or penalty Choose the Right Synonym forassess estimate,appraise,evaluate,value,rate,assessmean to judge something with respect to its worth or significance. ...
: The hurricane damage was assessed at six million dollars. Synonyms: adjust, appraise to impose a tax or other charge on. to estimate or judge the value, character, etc., of; evaluate: to assess one's efforts. Synonyms: appraiseDiscover More Other Words From as·sess·a·ble adjective ...
The insurance company will assess the damage to the car. (保险公司将评估汽车的损坏情况。) In terms of learning English, it's important to understand the different contexts in which "assess" can be used. Here are some tips to help you master this word: Learn Common Phrases: "Assess" is ...
The coach needs to assess the team’s strengths and weaknesses before the game. The insurance adjuster will assess the damage to the car after the accident. The school board will assess the effectiveness of the new curriculum after a year. Common Mistakes To Avoid When it comes to using the...
2. To decide thecostof something. For example, aninsurance companymay assess the damage of a house fire at $120,000 and agree to pay that much toward repairs. Alternatively, the government may assess that one owes $50,000 inincome taxbased upon one'sincomethe previous year. ...
The dark triad personality refers to a set of three personality traits that are associated with negative behavior patterns, meaning they tend to have a negative impact on personal and professional relationships. These traits are: Narcissism
:to set the rate or amount of the juryassesseddamages of $5000 2 :to set a value on (as property) for tax purposes a houseassessedat $263,000 3 :to put a tax or charge on the cityassessedall car owners $25 4 :to find out or decide the importance, size, or value of ...
The meaning of ASSESS is to determine the rate or amount of (something, such as a tax, charge, or fine). How to use assess in a sentence. Synonym Discussion of Assess.