Assertiveness is one of the most important skills you can learn today. It changes the way you communicate, deal with conflict, and your own relationship with yourself. It is the gateway to confidence, respect, and self-esteem. As you will learn in this book, assertiveness is something you a...
The purpose of this study is to explore the impact of Assertiveness Skills on job burnout bank managers.Study population was 160 bank managers of Mellat and Sepah Through Stratified sampling and Cochran formula, 93 person have been chosen. In this study, Methodology is descriptive and correlation...
Communication skills Personality Assertiveness Training Assessment 1. Introduction One of the aims of personality research is to improve procedures forpersonnel selection, career or school counseling and educational methods. Therefore, during the past decade many researchers have been interested in using pers...
Retrieved from publication/279153905_The_Effect_of_Assertiveness_Skills_Training_ on_Reduction_of_Emotional_Victimization_of_Female_High_School_...
Communication skills and fluency were slightly better explained by assertiveness than the other subconstructs of oral ability. View Full Article (HTML) Enhanced Article (HTML) Get PDF (170K) More content like this Find more content: like this article Find more content written by: Gary Ockey...
develop skills to understand both their own emotions and those o others. Empathy, or ‘the ability to understand and share the eelings o another’, is needed to achieve all o these things, but to what degree is assertiveness needed? Is it possible to drive through organizational ...
The results state the relevance of this ability and document its input in the initial teacher training, as well as debates that are better strategies to incorporate assertiveness as a critical factor in developing skills, which are necessary for the professional profile of education in a challenging...
Assertiveness training models show shortcomings in those situations where assertiveness results in stalemates or conflicts, or both. Deadlocks may occur when antagonists demonstrate appropriate assertive behavior. Conflict management using problem-solving skills allows individuals to learn appropriate methods of...
in developing and implementing intervention methods for students with low levels of assertivenes and thus in supporting the students' personality development and social skills in the desired direction.Extended English summary is in the end ofFull TextPDF (TURKISH)file.zetnsan bulunduu toplumun sosyal...