$stable(var) 如果变量值不变,返回true,否则返回false。 $changed(var) 如果变量值改变,返回true,否则返回false。 $past(var,num_of_ticks, enable) 获得num_of_ticks之前的变量值,enable起到一个gating作用。
星级词汇: « 1 / 3 » 英文词源 assertion (n.) early 15c., assercioun, from Middle French assertion (14c.) or directly from Late Latin assertionem (nominative assertio), noun of action from past participle stem of Latin asserere "claim rights over something, state, maintain, affirm...
Define assertion. assertion synonyms, assertion pronunciation, assertion translation, English dictionary definition of assertion. n. 1. The act of asserting. 2. Something declared or stated positively, often with no support or attempt at proof. as·ser′
$past(表达式/信号,过去N个周期,采样事件)。 $rose/$fell/$stable 可以做过程块语句和连续赋值语句中用(有返回值是function),不能在类中(类中无法指定时钟) $countbit(表达式,bit一个数)计算几位数和表达式相同,$countbit(表达式,1)相当于$countones计算表达式中1的个数 $onehot(表达式)计算表达式是否只有1...
$past : 采过去的前一个周期的值 and /intersect :相当于与操作,但两者有区别 or :或操作 4:sequence函数 (1)first_match(t2) :第一次成功匹配t2 (2)throughout 横跨多个周期,前置值都要满足 主要块要重复七拍,而burst_mode在拉低后的第六拍后即拉高,所以不满足,fail。
early 15c., assercioun, "a declaration, confirmation" from Old French assercion (14c.) or directly from Late Latin assertionem (nominative assertio), noun of action from past-participle stem of Latin asserere/adserere "to claim, lay claim to, appropriate," from ad "to" (see ad-) + ...
In the past several years there has been an increasing amount of both popular and professional attention to the area of assertive behavior. Popular books, articles, and newspaper articles on assertion have proliferated (e.g., Alberti & Emmons, 1978; Bower & Bower, 1976; M. D. Galassi & ...
I have gone to a place, there is very amusing; The day begs very is also cool.Has the tree, the lawn.I and the friend hit the blue ball, makes body perspiration, but very is also amusing.Side has a park, in the past also frequently played with the partner.[translate] ...
or directly from Late Latin assertionem (nominative assertio), noun of action from past participle stem of Latin asserere "claim rights over something, state, maintain, affirm," from ad- "to" (see ad-) + serere "join" (see series). By "joining oneself" to a particular view, one "...