我没有使用过selenium IDE,只有java API,所以这里我是如何在java中做的(或者至少是基本的想法)int numRows = selenium.getXpathCount("table[@id='myTable']//tbody//" + "tr[not(@style)]/td[1]").intValue(); String[] values = new String[numRows]; for (int i = 0; i < numRow...
3.assertIn(self, member, container, msg=None) --判断是字符串是否包含:member in container 4.assertNotIn(self, member, container, msg=None) --判断是字符串是否不包含:member not in container 5.assertTrue(self, expr, msg=None) --判断是否为真:expr is True 6.assertFalse(self, expr, msg=N...
1.selenium是一个web自动化测试用的框架. 程序员可以通过代码实现对浏览器的控制, 比如打开网页, 点击网页中的元素, 实现鼠标滚动等操作. 2.它支持多款浏览器, 如谷歌浏览器, 火狐浏览器等等, 当然也支持无头浏览器. # 目的: 在爬取数据的过程中, 经常遇到动态数据加载, 一般动态数据加载有两种, 一种通过aja...
When using Selenium IDE to check if text exists in an element, regex is usually auto coded by the tool, something like this, when looking for the existence of the word Weather:self.assertRegexpMatches(self.driver.find_element_by_xpath("html/body/div[1]/div[2]/div/div[1]/label")....
4.assertNotIn(self, member, container, msg=None) --判断是字符串是否不包含:member not in container 5.assertTrue(self, expr, msg=None) --判断是否为真:expr is True 6.assertFalse(self, expr, msg=None) --判断是否为假:expr is False ...
If the condition is not completely met, then assertion(s) allow the user to simply terminate the current test case and move the execution pointer to the next text case. Usually, Selenium does not provide any interface or class to handle the assertion, so QA engineers use TestNG to fulfill...
Must Read:Soft Assert in Selenium Note:In TestNG, we use only Assert Statements. We can use Verify statement in terms of if-else and try-catch. if(isElementPresent(By.linkText("login"))){ System.out.println("Login link is present"); ...
You might have run lots of tests using various TestNG functions and may never deem a test “passed” or “failed” during these executions. It is time to run some actual tests using Selenium WebDriver in TestNG now that we are familiar with all the key principles in TestNG. We will tak...
selenium+python高级教程》已出书:seleniumwebdriver基于Python源码案例 (购买此书送对应PDF版本) 一、简单案例 1.下面写了4个case,其中第四个是执行失败的 # coding:utf-8 import unittest class Test(unittest.TestCase): def test01(self): '''判断 a == b ''' ...
selenium+python高级教程》已出书:seleniumwebdriver基于Python源码案例 (购买此书送对应PDF版本) 一、简单案例 1.下面写了4个case,其中第四个是执行失败的 # coding:utf-8 import unittest class Test(unittest.TestCase): def test01(self): '''判断 a == b ''' ...