C 标准库 - <assert.h>描述C 库宏 void assert(int expression) 允许诊断信息被写入到标准错误文件中,换句话说,它可用于在 C 程序中添加诊断。assert() 是C 标准库中的一个宏,定义在 <assert.h> 头文件中。它用于在程序运行时检查某个表达式是否为真。如果该表达式为假,assert() 宏会输出错误信息并终止...
In the C Programming Language, assert is a macro that is designed to be used like a function. It checks the value of an expression that we expect to be true under normal circumstances. If expression is a nonzero value, assert does nothing.
In this program, the analyze_string function uses the assert macro to test several conditions related to string and length. If any of the conditions fails, the program prints a message indicating what caused the failure.C Copy // crt_assert.c // compile by using: cl /W4 crt_assert.c ...
The assert macro is enabled in both the release and debug versions of the C run-time libraries when NDEBUG isn't defined. When NDEBUG is defined, the macro is available, but doesn't evaluate its argument and has no effect. When it's enabled, the assert macro calls _wassert for its ...
Theassertmacro is enabled in both the release and debug versions of the C run-time libraries whenNDEBUGisn't defined. WhenNDEBUGis defined, the macro is available, but doesn't evaluate its argument and has no effect. When it's enabled, theassertmacro calls_wassertfor its implementation. Oth...
C library - assert() macro - The C assert library assert() macro is used in error handling to check if any assumptions made in the program during runtime is correct or not. It is used to catch logical error in the program in the development stage itself.
If you have enabled Just-in-time debugging, this will work even if the application is not being debugged.The following example shows how the ASSERT macro could be used to check the validity of a function’s return value:Copy int x = SomeFunc(y); ASSERT(x >= 0); // Assertion ...
The assert macro checks for the validity of the assertions or assumptions. If the assertion results to be FALSE then the macro writes information about the call that failed on stderr and then calls abort(). abort() raises the SIGABRT signal and this results in an abnormal termination of the...
* DBGMACRO.C * In this program, calls are made to the _ASSERT and _ASSERTE * macros to test the condition 'string1 == string2'. If the * condition fails, these macros print a diagnostic message. * The _RPTn and _RPTFn group of macros are also exercised in ...
The _RPTn and _RPTFn group of macros is also exercised in this program, as an alternative to the printf function.Copy // crt_ASSERT_macro.c // compile with: /D_DEBUG /MTd /Od /Zi /link /verbose:lib /debug // // This program uses the _ASSERT and _ASSERTE debugging macros. /...