公司搭建了yapi,接口平台处于起步状态,最近在测试接口时发现一个问题:YAPI断言功能无法使用,报错assert.equal is not a function 针对这个问题,解决方法为如下: 1.进入该路径,找到sandbox.js文件 2.编辑此文件,添加如下红色框内容(注意标点符号!!!注意标点符号!!!注意标点符号!!!): 3.保存后,重启yapi,我个人使用...
| Same as self.assertTrue(obj is None), with a nicer default message. | | assertIsNot(self, expr1, expr2, msg=None) | Just like self.assertTrue(a is not b), but with a nicer default message. | | assertIsNotNone(self, obj, msg=None) | Included for symmetry with assertIsNone....
// THIS IS A MISTAKE! DO NOT DO THIS! assert.throws(myFunction, 'missing foo', 'did not throw with expected message'); // Do this instead. assert.throws(myFunction, /missing foo/, 'did not throw with expected message'); 1. 2. 3. 4. 5....
"""importpytestdefis_leap_year(year):# 先判断year是不是整型ifisinstance(year,int)isnotTrue:raiseTypeError("传入的参数不是整数")elifyear==0:raiseValueError("公元元年是从公元一年开始!!")elifabs(year)!=year:raiseValueError("传入的参数不是正整数")elif(year%4==0andyear%100!=0)oryear%400==...
| assertIsNone(self, obj, msg=None) | Same as self.assertTrue(obj is None), with a nicer default message. | | assertIsNot(self, expr1, expr2, msg=None) | Just like self.assertTrue(a is not b), but with a nicer default message. | | assertIsNotNone(self, obj, msg=None) |...
The assert is used to ensure the conditions are compatible with the requirements of a function. If the assert is false, the function does not continue. Thus, the assert can be an example of defensive programming. The programmer is making sure that everything is as expected. Let’s implement...
pytest -k "类名 and not 方法名" #运行类里所有的方法,不包含某个方法 注意:如果是 windows 系统, -k 后面的字符串参数必须用双引号。 -x 参数 遇到用例失败立即停止运行。 应用场景: 在回归测试过程中,假如一共有 10 条基础用例,当开发人员打完包提交测试的时候,需要先运行这 10 条基础用例,全部通过才...
pytest -k "类名 and not 方法名" #运行类里所有的方法,不包含某个方法 注意:如果是 windows 系统, -k 后面的字符串参数必须用双引号。 -x 参数 遇到用例失败立即停止运行。 应用场景: 在回归测试过程中,假如一共有 10 条基础用例,当开发人员打完包提交测试的时候,需要先运行这 10 条基础用例,全部通过才...
(i.e. do not try and catch or handle assertion failures), with one possible exception of when an assertion itself could cause more damage than the bug (e.g. Air Traffic Controllers wouldn't want a YSOD when an aircraft goes submarine, although it is moot whether a debug build should ...
...assert的语法格式: assert expression 它的等价语句为: if not expression: raise AssertionError 这段代码用来检测数据类型的断言,因为...>>> a_str = 'this is a string' >>> type(a_str) >>> assert type(a_str)== str >>> assert type...(a_str)== int Traceback (most recent call ...