用unittest组件测试用例的时候,断言的方法还是很多的,下面介绍几种常用的断言方法:assertEqual、assertIn、assertTrue selenium+python高级教程》已出书:seleniumwebdriver基于Python源码案例 (购买此书送对应PDF版本) 一、简单案例 1.下面写了4个case,其中第四个是执行失败的 # coding:utf-8 import unittest class Test...
3.assertIn(self, member, container, msg=None) --判断是字符串是否包含:member in container 4.assertNotIn(self, member, container, msg=None) --判断是字符串是否不包含:member not in container 5.assertTrue(self, expr, msg=None) --判断是否为真:expr is True 6.assertFalse(self, expr, msg=N...
3.assertIn(self, member, container, msg=None) --判断是字符串是否包含:member in container 4.assertNotIn(self, member, container, msg=None) --判断是字符串是否不包含:member not in container 5.assertTrue(self, expr, msg=None) --判断是否为真:expr is True 6.assertFalse(self, expr, msg=N...
2.selenium安装 3.selenium常用操作 4.qq空间模拟登陆 5.PhantomJS浏览器使用 5.图片懒加载 1.selenium介绍 # 介绍: 1.selenium是一个web自动化测试用的框架. 程序员可以通过代码实现对浏览器的控制, 比如打开网页, 点击网页中的元素, 实现鼠标滚动等操作. 2.它支持多款浏览器, 如谷歌浏览器, 火狐浏览器等等...
Usually, Selenium does not provide any interface or class to handle the assertion, so QA engineers use TestNG to fulfill these. TestNG contains a class named "Assert" which provides a series of methods to apply assertions. Below are some of the commonly used methods: AssertTrue AssertFalse ...
4.assertNotIn(self, member, container, msg=None) --判断是字符串是否不包含:member not in container 5.assertTrue(self, expr, msg=None) --判断是否为真:expr is True 6.assertFalse(self, expr, msg=None) --判断是否为假:expr is False ...
assertRegex(self,text,unexpected_regexp [,msg]):验证正则表达式regexp搜索是否匹配文本text。 assertNotRegex(self,text,unexpected_regexp [,msg]):验证正则表达式regexp搜索是否不匹配文本text。 assertDictContainsSubset(self,expected,actual [,msg]):检查实际是否超预期; ...
Collection assertions are used to verify properties of collections, such as lists, tuples, sets, or dictionaries. These assertions allow you to check if a collection contains specific elements or satisfies certain conditions. Examples assertiteminmy_list: ...
BrowserStack Automate provides such a flexible cloud platform that contains various devices and browser combinations. Interestingly, it supports integration with many test automation tools, including the Selenium JUnit framework. Talk to an Expert BrowserStack Automate can be used for cross-browser ...
el = driver.find_element_by_xpath("//*[contains(@text,'WLAN')]") TouchAction(driver).tap(el).perform() # 通过坐标方式敲击屏幕,WLAN坐标:x=155,y=250 # TouchAction(driver).tap(x=155,y=250).perform() 2 press模拟手指按下屏幕,按就要对应着离开(可以分别使用元素或者坐标) ...