Program is running normally do the job but is killed at the end and I get this error message a very simple example: ---asm.s global OpenFile section...
1.读取或写入未分配给进程的内存导致分段错误 1.弄清楚故障的有效地址(不是指令,而是内存引用地址),...
0.0863821 SoFCUnifiedSelection.cpp(1527): Cyclic scene graph: test#Assembly002 /tmp/.mount_FreeCA1MNUl1/AppRun: line 41: 35242 Segmentation fault (core dumped) "${MAIN}" "$@" Full version info OS: Ubuntu 24.04 LTS (ubuntu:GNOME/ubuntu) Word size of FreeCAD: 64-bit Version...
Segmentation fault (core dumped) When I look into .err files in the 8-consensus folder, I cannot find anything causing an error, all files genome_00X.err seem fine saying everything is already computed and skipped. Any idea? Thanks!
(感谢@ecm的评论)我成功地修复了这个问题。固定的x64 NASM汇编代码在这里(Makefile和其他元素相同)
(感谢@ecm的评论)我成功地修复了这个问题。固定的x64 NASM汇编代码在这里(Makefile和其他元素相同)
如果你告诉汇编器在某处汇编任意字节,它会。db是一个发出字节的伪指令,所以mov eax, 60和db 0xb8,...