Election Manifesto for 2021 Tamil Nadu Assembly PollsAcharya Sennimalai Kalimuthu
Kolkata Municipal Corp. (KMC) Result 2015 2)West Bengal LokSabha Election Result 2014 4)Kolkata Municipal Corp. (KMC) Result 2010 5)West Bengal Assembly Election Result 2006 Click on individual constituencies to know to get compiled Past election Results swing Margin, Candidates Details, MLA detai...
2.kuttyadi-LDF 3.Nadapuram-LDF 4.Koyilandi-LDF 5.Perambra-LDF 6.Balussery-LDF 7.Elathur-LDF 8.Kozhikode North-LDF 9.Kozhikode South-UDF 10.Beypore-LDF 11.Kunnamangalam-LDF 12.Koduvally-UDF 13.Thiruvambadi-UDF While considering the political history and earlier election data, Kozhikode distr...
Menon, Amarnath K